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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The History of the Battle of Surabaya, 'Bloody Incident' Designated as National Heroes' Day."

Dream - Hero's Day falls on November 10th. To commemorate it, it is best for us to remember the struggles of past heroes who fought to defend independence. The proclamation of Indonesian independence on August 17th, 1945 was not the end of the Indonesian people's struggle. Although independence has been proclaimed in various regions of the archipelago, the people still have to fight to defend it.

This is reflected in the battle between Indonesian fighters and the colonial forces that came to the land of Indonesia after independence was proclaimed. One of them, which occurred in Surabaya, is known as the "Battle of Surabaya". According to Nugroho Notosusanto in his book entitled "Battle of Surabaya" (1985), the Battle of Surabaya was the most intense confrontation, reflecting the high spirit of patriotism from the Indonesian people who fought to defend the newly achieved independence.

Because the Beginning of the Battle of Surabaya

The Battle of Surabaya began when the Allied Forces of the Netherland East Indies (AFNEI) arrived in Surabaya on October 25, 1945. Led by Brigadier General Aubertin Walter Sothern Mallaby, their aim was to secure prisoners of war, disarm the Japanese army, and establish post-independence order. However, this effort created tension with the local community who refused to surrender their weapons. This triggered an attack from the Surabaya community to drive out the Allied forces.

In addition, the allied forces also carried out actions beyond the initial goal, including attacks on prisons and attempts to occupy important places in the city of Surabaya.

The History of the Battle of Surabaya, the 'Bloody Incident' Designated as National Heroes Day

"The Arrival of Allies in Indonesia"

Allies arrived in Indonesia under the command of SEAC (South East Asia Command) under Admiral Louis Mountbatten. To address the vast territory, AFNEI (Allied Forces in the Netherlands East Indies) was formed and responsible for Indonesia. On September 29, 1945, AFNEI Commander, Lieutenant General Philip Christison, arrived in Jakarta with the task of disarming the Japanese, repatriating Japanese soldiers, liberating allied prisoners, and maintaining the situation in Indonesia.

The History of the Battle of Surabaya, the 'Bloody Incident' Designated as National Heroes Day

The agreement between England and the Netherlands in the Civil Affair Agreement on August 24, 1945, caused resistance from the Indonesian population towards the arrival of the allies, triggering battles in various regions of Indonesia.

"The Flag Tearing Incident at Hotel Yamato"

On August 31, 1945, the Indonesian government announced a proclamation regarding the continuous hoisting of the national flag, Sang Saka Merah Putih, throughout the territory, including Surabaya. However, a dispute occurred at Hotel Yamato, Tunjangan Surabaya, where Allied forces and the community were involved in tearing the flag. This triggered a battle between both parties.

"Chronology of the Surabaya Battle Incident"

The Battle of Surabaya began with a group of Dutch people in Surabaya, led by Ploegman, raising the Dutch flag without permission from the Indonesian government. This caused anger among the Surabaya residents. Residen Soedirman tried to discuss with the Dutch leader, Ploegman, to lower the flag and prevent riots. However, the discussion was unsuccessful, and the situation became more heated.

The peak of the incident occurred when Ploegman pulled out a pistol, which triggered the battle. Ploegman and Soedirman's guard, Sidik, were killed in the incident. Soedirman and other guards managed to avoid the incident and left Hotel Yamato. Some Surabaya youths then tore down the Dutch flag, leaving only the red and white parts.

"Ultimatum Allied Forces"

The battle between the Surabaya community and the British Allied forces occurred from 27 to 30 October 1945. General D.C. Hawthorn requested Soekarno's assistance in calming the situation. Brigadier General Mallaby died in the clash and was replaced by General Robert Mansergh. On 9 November 1945, General Mansergh issued an ultimatum demanding the Indonesian leaders in Surabaya to surrender unconditionally and hand over their weapons to the British.

"Ultimatum Ditolak" translates to "Ultimatum Rejected" in English.

"Ultimatum rejected, so the British forces attacked on November 10, initiating the battle between the two sides. On the Indonesian side, there were 20,000 soldiers and 100,000 volunteers involved, while the British side had around 30,000 soldiers with military equipment support such as tanks, warships, and fighter planes."


"Serangan Arek-Arek Surabaya dalam Pertempuran" translates to "Attack of the Youth of Surabaya in Battle" in English.

The Surabaya Battle reached its peak on November 10, 1945, when the allied forces were about to attack Surabaya and were confronted by the local community. The battle resulted in many casualties, especially among the Surabaya community who lost 20,000 lives, while the allied forces lost around 1,500 lives.


"Declaration of National Heroes Day"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The Battle of Surabaya lasted for three weeks, causing significant losses to the people and Indonesia. Led by Bung Tomo, the youth of Surabaya inspired resistance through fiery speeches. One year later, President Soekarno designated November 10th as Heroes' Day to honor the fighters. Today, Indonesia still commemorates it to remember the services of the heroes."

The Battle of Surabaya took place from late October to November 1945. It was divided into preliminary battles, the climax on November 10th, and the final battle. Approximately 20,000 TKR troops and 140,000 civilians participated in the series of battles. The number of casualties is unimaginable. Many heroes fell in the battle, both those who were part of the TKR and civilians.

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