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MK Nilai Putusan MKMK Tak Bisa Jadi Bukti Nepotisme-Abuse of Power Jokowi

MK Nilai Putusan MKMK Tak Bisa Jadi Bukti Nepotisme-Abuse of Power Jokowi

Arief stated that the Constitutional Court cannot question the requirements for Gibran Rakabuming Raka's candidacy.

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Jokowi's Response Regarding Anwar Usman Being Dismissed as Chairman of the Constitutional Court

Jokowi's Response Regarding Anwar Usman Being Dismissed as Chairman of the Constitutional Court

Jokowi's response to the Constitutional Court's decision to dismiss Anwar Usman from his position as Chairman of the Constitutional Court.

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Jokowi's Response Regarding Anwar Usman Being Dismissed as Chairman of the Constitutional Court

Jokowi's Response Regarding Anwar Usman Being Dismissed as Chairman of the Constitutional Court

Jokowi's response to the Constitutional Court's decision to dismiss Anwar Usman from his position as Chairman of the Constitutional Court.

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Moment of the Chief of the Constitutional Court Deciding to Dismiss Anwar Usman as the Chief of the Constitutional Court

Moment of the Chief of the Constitutional Court Deciding to Dismiss Anwar Usman as the Chief of the Constitutional Court

The Chief of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Ashhiddiqie, in the decision order imposed the sanction of dismissal on Anwar Usman from the position of the Chief of the Constitutional Court.

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MKMK Decision: 9 Constitutional Court Judges Violate Ethics by Leaking VP Candidate Decision Information, Sanctioned with Verbal Warning

MKMK Decision: 9 Constitutional Court Judges Violate Ethics by Leaking VP Candidate Decision Information, Sanctioned with Verbal Warning

Jimly Asshiddiqie said the reported judges have been proven to have committed ethical violations.

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Unveiled, Almas Tsaqibbirru Did Not Sign the Lawsuit Document for Presidential and Vice Presidential Age Limits, Did Gibran Fail to Become Vice President?

Unveiled, Almas Tsaqibbirru Did Not Sign the Lawsuit Document for Presidential and Vice Presidential Age Limits, Did Gibran Fail to Become Vice President?

The amended application document submitted by the petitioner named Almas Tsaqibbirru was not signed by the legal representative or Almas himself.

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Fakta Baru Sidang Etik Hakim MK, Ada Dugaan Anwar Usman Bohong hingga Bukti CCTV Kejanggalan Pendaftaran Gugatan Usia Capres

Fakta Baru Sidang Etik Hakim MK, Ada Dugaan Anwar Usman Bohong hingga Bukti CCTV Kejanggalan Pendaftaran Gugatan Usia Capres

Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Anwar Usman diduga berbohong mengenai alasannya absen ketika memutus tiga perkara syarat usia minimal capres-cawapres.

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Fakta Baru Sidang Etik Hakim MK, Ada Dugaan Anwar Usman Bohong hingga Bukti CCTV Kejanggalan Pendaftaran Gugatan Usia Capres

Fakta Baru Sidang Etik Hakim MK, Ada Dugaan Anwar Usman Bohong hingga Bukti CCTV Kejanggalan Pendaftaran Gugatan Usia Capres

Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Anwar Usman diduga berbohong mengenai alasannya absen ketika memutus tiga perkara syarat usia minimal capres-cawapres.

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MKMK: Jika Terbukti Langgar Kode Etik, Anwar Usman dkk Bisa Diberhentikan

MKMK: Jika Terbukti Langgar Kode Etik, Anwar Usman dkk Bisa Diberhentikan

Tiga opsi tersebut adalah sanksi berbentuk teguran, peringatan, dan pemberhentian.

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MKMK: Jika Terbukti Langgar Kode Etik, Anwar Usman dkk Bisa Diberhentikan

MKMK: Jika Terbukti Langgar Kode Etik, Anwar Usman dkk Bisa Diberhentikan

Tiga opsi tersebut adalah sanksi berbentuk teguran, peringatan, dan pemberhentian.

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MKMK Opens Opportunity to Change MK's Decision Regarding Presidential and Vice Presidential Age, But There Are Conditions

MKMK Opens Opportunity to Change MK's Decision Regarding Presidential and Vice Presidential Age, But There Are Conditions

MKMK only assesses allegations of ethical violations by constitutional judges, not MK's decision. However, MKMK can change the decision if convinced.

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MKMK Opens Opportunity to Change MK's Decision Regarding Presidential and Vice Presidential Age, But There Are Conditions

MKMK Opens Opportunity to Change MK's Decision Regarding Presidential and Vice Presidential Age, But There Are Conditions

MKMK only assesses allegations of ethical violations by constitutional judges, not MK's decision. However, MKMK can change the decision if convinced.

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Not Retreating from the Issue of Presidential Candidates' Age, Anwar Usman: The Position Belongs to God

Not Retreating from the Issue of Presidential Candidates' Age, Anwar Usman: The Position Belongs to God

Anwar Usman denies the existence of lobbying in his decision.

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Not Retreating from the Issue of Presidential Candidates' Age, Anwar Usman: The Position Belongs to God

Not Retreating from the Issue of Presidential Candidates' Age, Anwar Usman: The Position Belongs to God

Anwar Usman denies the existence of lobbying in his decision.

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MKMK Bisa Batalkan Putusan MK Soal Syarat Capres Cawapres? Jimly Asshiddique: Nanti Dibuktikan Dulu

MKMK Bisa Batalkan Putusan MK Soal Syarat Capres Cawapres? Jimly Asshiddique: Nanti Dibuktikan Dulu

Jimly meminta pelapor Denny Indrayana membuktikan dulu dugaan pelanggaran etik dari hakim MK ke sidang MKMK.

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MKMK Bisa Batalkan Putusan MK Soal Syarat Capres Cawapres? Jimly Asshiddique: Nanti Dibuktikan Dulu

MKMK Bisa Batalkan Putusan MK Soal Syarat Capres Cawapres? Jimly Asshiddique: Nanti Dibuktikan Dulu

Jimly meminta pelapor Denny Indrayana membuktikan dulu dugaan pelanggaran etik dari hakim MK ke sidang MKMK.

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MKMK Bisa Batalkan Putusan MK Soal Syarat Capres Cawapres? Jimly Asshiddique: Nanti Dibuktikan Dulu

MKMK Bisa Batalkan Putusan MK Soal Syarat Capres Cawapres? Jimly Asshiddique: Nanti Dibuktikan Dulu

Jimly meminta pelapor Denny Indrayana membuktikan dulu dugaan pelanggaran etik dari hakim MK ke sidang MKMK.

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Portrait of Soimah's Stylish Batik Outfit that is No Less Luxurious

Portrait of Soimah's Stylish Batik Outfit that is No Less Luxurious

Batik fabric that was once abandoned, Soimah successfully transformed it into elegant attire.

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