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Jangan Putus Asa Dulu, Inilah Hikmah saat Doa Belum Dikabulkan Allah SWT

"Don't Despair Yet, Here is the Wisdom When Prayers Have Not Been Answered by Allah SWT"

"Allah SWT knows what is best for each of His servants."

Don't Give Up Yet, This is the Wisdom When Prayers Have Not Been Answered by Allah SWT

"Dream - Prayers that Dream's friends offer every day may not necessarily be immediately granted by Allah SWT. This sometimes makes some people feel tired and desperate. However, as faithful servants, prayer is something that must not be abandoned."

Don't Give Up Yet, This is the Wisdom When Prayers Have Not Been Answered by Allah SWT

A servant indeed has no power over the permission and will of Allah SWT. Therefore, everything that is needed by humans should only be asked from Him, through prayer. Even if the prayers that friend Dream offers are not immediately granted, it does not mean that Allah SWT does not care or does not listen. However, Allah SWT has a better decision for His servants. Therefore, we should never feel hopeless and continue to hope and pray. In addition, accompany it with performing all the commanded deeds and always strive.

Then, what wisdom can be gained when our prayers have not been answered by Allah SWT? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Don't Give Up Yet, This is the Wisdom When Prayers Have Not Been Answered by Allah SWT
Berdoalah, maka akan Dikabulkan

Pray, and it will be granted.

"Allah SWT has commanded every servant of His to always pray in any condition. Realizing that Allah SWT is the Being who is All-Hearing and All-Powerful."

"Even in the Quran, it has been explained that Allah SWT will grant the prayers of His servants. As stated in Surah Al-Mukmin verse 60: "And your Lord says, 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you.' Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible." (Quran, Al-Mukmin: 60) Allah SWT will always listen to every prayer uttered by every servant, whether it is spoken or kept within the heart. Allah SWT will easily fulfill them."

"Wisdom of Unanswered Prayers"

There are several people who pray day and night, but their prayers have not been answered by Allah SWT. This does not mean that Allah SWT has forgotten or does not care. However, there must be a reason behind the unanswered prayers. Here are some of the wisdoms:


1. Maintain Husnudzon (positive thinking) towards Allah SWT.

When the prayer of a friend Dream has not been answered, then keep having good thoughts towards Allah SWT. Believe that Allah SWT knows best what is good for His servants. So, you don't need to worry.

When we have a good opinion of Allah SWT, our hearts will be more calm and it shows that we fully trust in Allah SWT. Because sometimes, what we think is good may not necessarily be good according to Allah SWT. But what Allah SWT considers good, it is definitely good for His servants. This is in accordance with the words of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 216: "... It may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you like something while it is bad for you; Allah knows, while you do not know." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 216)

Don't Give Up Yet, This is the Wisdom When Prayers Have Not Been Answered by Allah SWT

2. Train Yourself to Be More Patient

Not a few people, when their prayers have not yet been answered, will feel frustrated. However, that moment can actually train oneself to become a more patient person.

Sahabat Dream will be a person who is patient in worshiping, praying, doing righteous deeds, and other actions. Because everything that is done is related to the fulfillment of the prayers that are offered. In praying itself, it cannot be done carelessly. In the book Hasyiatus Shawi ala Tafsiril Jalalain by Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad As-Shawi Al-Maliki said: "Indeed, prayer has several conditions for it to be answered. So when one of the conditions is not fulfilled, the prayer is not answered."

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad said: "The prayer of someone among you will be answered as long as they are not hasty, saying 'I have prayed but it has not been answered for me.'" (HR. Malik and Abu Daud)

Don't Give Up Yet, This is the Wisdom When Prayers Have Not Been Answered by Allah SWT

3. Continue to Strive

When prayers have not yet been granted by Allah SWT, it is not about making you despair, but rather to keep striving. Keep praying until what you desire is granted by Allah SWT.

However, make sure that the prayers that friends of Dream offer are truly for goodness. Because, one of the conditions in praying is not to include anything about badness. The consistency of friends of Dream in praying is closely related to the acceptance of that prayer. Even, Allah SWT has explained it in Surah Ar-Ra'd verse 11: "... Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron." (QS. Ar-Ra'd: 11)

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