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Bani Israil Hijrah dari Mesir ke Palestina Butuh Waktu 40 Tahun Lebih, Ini Alasannya

"Bani Israil Hijrah dari Mesir ke Palestina Butuh Waktu 40 Tahun Lebih, Ini Alasannya" translates to: "The Israelites' Migration from Egypt to Palestine Took More Than 40 Years, Here's the Reason"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The duration of the journey of the Children of Israel was caused by avoiding the pursuit of Pharaoh."

The Israelites' Migration from Egypt to Palestine Took More Than 40 Years, Here's the Reason

Dream - Bani Israil is known to have settled in Egypt for a considerable period of time. After escaping from the infamous pursuit of the cruel Pharaoh, Bani Israil then moved from Egypt to Palestine.

The Israelites' Migration from Egypt to Palestine Took More Than 40 Years, Here's the Reason

The migration of the Israelites is explained by Quraish Shihab in 'Tafsir al-Misbah' to have taken a very long time until they finally settled in Palestine. In this regard, the scholars of interpretation do not mention precisely the length of time it took for the Israelites to reach Palestine. They have agreed that the journey took more than 40 years. What made the journey of the Israelites so long? Even though if they took the usual route to Sinai by tracing the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the distance is only 250 miles. Here are some reasons why the journey of the Israelites took so long to reach Palestine as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Avoiding the Pursuit of Pharaoh

Avoiding the Pursuit of Pharaoh

The migration of the Children of Israel from Egypt to Palestine took a very long time. This is related to the pursuit carried out by Pharaoh against the Children of Israel.

In English: "Where the Israelites tried to avoid the pursuit. Therefore, they chose a different path than usual. The Israelites chose to traverse the southeast route, crossing the Red Sea. As a result, the distance traveled became very far. In addition, Quraish Shihab once wrote that in Hebrew scripture, the sea that the Israelites crossed was called the Sea of Reeds. However, there are no reeds in the Red Sea."

"Journey of 40 Years or More"

Another reason that made the journey of the Bani Israil to Palestine very long is because Allah SWT gave them a punishment in the form of confusion in the desert for 40 years.

Perjalanan 40 Tahun Lebih

The scholars of interpretation do not clearly explain the length of that journey. However, they agree that the journey was carried out for more than 40 years. This agreement is based on the word of Allah SWT in Surah Al-Maidah verse 26: "Allah said: '(If so), then indeed that land is forbidden to them for forty years, (during that time) they will wander confused in the land (of Tiih). So do not grieve (thinking about the fate) of those wicked people'." (QS. Al-Maidah: 26) By the command of Allah SWT, the journey of the Children of Israel was carried out at night. This happened in the 13th century BC.

"Praise and Commemoration of the Children of Israel"

During the period of the migration of the Bani Israil from Egypt to Palestine, they experienced both praise and warning from Allah SWT. This is also related to the attitude of the Bani Israil when facing Pharaoh.

The blessing that Allah SWT gave to the Children of Israel was protection from the pursuit of Pharaoh. In addition, they were also provided with food and drink during their journey. Furthermore, the Children of Israel were praised for their patience when they were mistreated by Pharaoh. On the other hand, the Children of Israel also received warnings from Allah SWT. This was due to their bad deeds. Eventually, Allah SWT bestowed a curse upon them on the earth.

"Anugerah Allah SWT kepada Bani Israil" translates to "God's Blessings to the Children of Israel" in English.

Quraish Shihab explained that there are two blessings from Allah SWT to the Bani Israil which are part of His grace when the Bani Israil were on a journey.

Anugerah Allah SWT kepada Bani Israil

The first blessing is that the Children of Israel were saved from punishment. Where Pharaoh once ordered the killing of all male children born in that year, now they were allowed to live if born in the following year. This went on alternately. The second blessing is the collapse of Pharaoh's regime and his death. Thus, Pharaoh's oppression of the Children of Israel finally ceased.

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