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"70 Words of National Heroes' Day on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggle"

Dream – The role of heroes is very important for the independence of a nation, including Indonesia. Thanks to their sacrifices and struggles, Indonesia can develop into a more advanced nation and provide a better life for future generations. We, as the current generation, should always remember the contributions of the heroes and continue their struggle with positive actions.

On every 10th of November, the Indonesian nation commemorates National Heroes' Day, a moment that is certainly very meaningful. There are various ways that can be done to celebrate National Heroes' Day, one of which is by sharing wise words about heroes' day.

70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles
70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles

The translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The words of National Heroes' Day often contain advice and hopes from deserving heroes to be reflected upon. In fact, these words are capable of inspiring the spirit of the younger generation to continue fighting and not easily give up."

"Wise Words of National Heroes Day"

The following is a translation of the provided text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The wise words of National Heroes Day depict the spirit, sacrifice, and bravery of the heroes who fought for Indonesia's independence and freedom. They are an example for all of us to always appreciate and uphold the values of independence. Here are some wise words related to National Heroes Day:"


"Heroes are people who are brave enough to face danger for a greater cause." - Soekarno

"True heroes are not those who are never afraid, but those who keep moving forward despite their fear." - Mahatma Gandhi

"Courage is the power to confront fear with extraordinary spirit." - Aristotle

"Heroes are those who sacrifice personal interests for the common good." - Nelson Mandela

"Heroes are people who set a real example of how one individual can make a difference in this world." - Sidney Sheldon"

"We must respect and remember the contributions of the heroes who fought for our independence and freedom." - Tan Malaka"Heroes' Day is a reminder of how precious the independence fought for by our heroes is." - General Sudirman"A hero is not someone who never fails, but someone who never gives up." - Bob Marley"We will never forget the contributions of the heroes who led Indonesia towards independence." - Bung Tomo"Independence is not a right, but a duty that must be safeguarded with sacrifice." - Ir. Soekarno"

"Words of National Heroes Day for Life Motivation"

The words of National Heroes Day are able to revive faded spirits. Here are some wise words of heroes' day that will motivate you in facing the hardships of life. "Happy Heroes Day. Take a look back at history, the past, and the journey undertaken by the fighters of the Republic of Indonesia. It's so great, isn't it?" "Thousands of parents may dream. But only one youth can make that dream come true and make the world a more real place."

"Happy Heroes' Day on November 10th. Let us remember and honor the struggle of the heroes and fighters in defending the independence of the Republic of Indonesia."The struggle is not over, let us strengthen unity to build the nation. Happy Heroes' Day."We are a nation of fighters. We have the blood of patriots flowing in our bodies, who do not easily give up and do not easily say 'I surrender'. Happy Heroes' Day."Hello, new generation of this beautiful nation. Are you ready to move forward and overcome the fear that always haunts you?"Happy Heroes' Day on November 10th, 2023, thank you to all the heroes who have sacrificed for this nation.""

70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles

"Let's spread your wings as wide as possible. Let's uphold the dignity and honor of this nation! Continue the struggle of the heroes. Truly, they watch us from afar. Happy Heroes' Day."

70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles

"No need to shed blood, just sweat and thoughts to be useful. Happy Heroes' Day." "Happy Heroes' Day and congratulations on making real contributions."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Words of National Heroes Day Full of Meaning"

"Heroes are those who write with golden ink of struggle but are not worried about being behind without recognition. Happy Heroes' Day on November 10th." "Happy Heroes' Day. A great nation is a nation that respects the services of its heroes." - Ir. Soekarno "Happy Heroes' Day on November 10th. Be innovative, oh young generation of Indonesia, be the heroes of today who are meaningful for the country."

"However, traditional weapons accompanied by strong spirit and determination are able to bring pride to Indonesia. Indonesian youth spirit. Happy Heroes' Day. Who are we? We are Indonesia and we can. Bung Karno once said that to become a hero, we don't need to wield a sharp sword. There are many ways we can use to become a hero for our country. Let's strengthen unity together to build our nation with a heroic spirit. Happy Heroes' Day. You just need to give your best work. Make your heart sensitive to build and respond to an increasingly advanced civilization."

"As the next generation, the spirit of the Heroes will continue to accompany every step of the struggle. Happy Heroes' Day on November 10." "Our duty as the nation's successors is to continue the aspirations of past fighters that Indonesia will become a strong country and able to compete internationally."

70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles

Words of National Heroes Day from Famous Figures

The words of the heroes' day from famous Indonesian figures can be a source of encouragement for us to continue fighting to fill independence in a positive way. "Sometimes, you have to experience difficulties first before perfect happiness comes to you." - RA. Kartini "Building a nation is building a civilization." - Munir. "The servants of Allah, the inhabitants of heaven, must use gentle and polite language." - Bung Hatta

"My struggle against the colonizers was easier, unlike yours later. Your struggle will be harder because you are fighting your own people." - Bung Hatta "If others can do it, I can do it too. Why can't our youth fight, if they really want to?" - Abdul Muis. "Indonesia's independence is not our ultimate goal. Indonesia's independence is only a requirement to achieve the happiness and prosperity of the people." - Bung Hatta "No inherited treasure is as valuable as honesty." - Bung Hatta. "No matter how fast lies may be, the truth will eventually catch up." - Tan Malaka "A girl whose mind has been educated, whose perspective has been broadened, will no longer be able to live in her ancestors' world." - R. A Kartini

70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles

"If you want to be a great leader, write like a journalist and speak like an orator." - H.O.S Tjokroaminoto "Do not be a nation oppressed if you do not want to be a nation of slaves." - KH Wahab Hasbullah

"The best way to eliminate your enemies is by considering them as friends." - Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII "Evil will prevail if the righteous do nothing." - General Sudirman "If you want to make a change, don't submit to reality, as long as you believe you are on the right path, then continue." - Gus Dur (KH Abdurrahman Wahid) "Leading means suffering." - KH Agus Salim"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Words of National Heroes Day Full of Meaning of Life"

"We will always continue your struggle, bringing Indonesia forward as a feared country in the world stage. Happy Heroes' Day." "Even after independence, the younger generation must also strive to continue the legacy of the heroes who came before. Happy Heroes' Day." "Happy Heroes' Day. Without the blazing spirit like the war heroes of the past, no matter how great and advanced the weapons you possess today, they will never compare."

"Death is the last in time but at the same time the beginning of defeat." - Bung Hatta "Sometimes, you have to experience difficulties first before perfect happiness comes to you." - RA. Kartini "I always believe that every struggle will never introduce us to a final word. Or endings and everything that has been fought for. Happy Heroes' Day." "The service of the struggle of the heroes is so extraordinary, it cannot be replaced by any amount of wealth. Happy Heroes' Day." "The ideals of Indonesian unity are not empty words, but are truly supported by the forces that arise from the roots of our own nation's history." - Mohammad Yamin

"\u201cLife is not about 'I Can', but about 'I Try'. Don't think about Failure, it is a Lesson.\u201d - Soekarno" "Believe and be convinced that the independence of a nation built on the ruins of thousands of lives and the wealth of its people and nation cannot be eradicated by humans, whoever they may be." - General Soedirman "A woman who sacrifices herself for others, with all the love in her heart, with all the devotion she can practice, that is the woman who deserves to be called 'mother' in the true sense." - RA Kartini "A girl whose mind has been enlightened, whose perspective has been broadened, will no longer be able to live in her ancestors' world." - RA Kartini

"However fast the lies may be, the truth will also chase after them." - Tan Malaka "Happy National Heroes Day. Let us ignite the spirit of the nation like the heroes of the past." "Happy Heroes Day. May we become heroes for ourselves and others around us."

70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles

"Wise Words of Heroes' Day that are Full of Profound Meaning"

"True heroes are not those who are never afraid, but those who continue to move forward despite their fears." "Courage is the strength to face fear with extraordinary spirit." "We must respect and remember the contributions of the heroes who fought for our independence and freedom." "Heroes are individuals who provide real examples of how one person can make a difference in this world."

"Hero's Day is a reminder of how valuable the independence fought for by our heroes is." "Independence is not a right, but a duty that must be preserved with sacrifice." "Heroes are those who sacrifice personal interests for the common good." "Heroes are people who dare to face danger for a greater cause." "We will never forget the services of the heroes who have brought Indonesia towards independence." "Heroes are not people who never fail, but people who never give up."

70 National Heroes Day Words on November 10, 2023, Wise and Meaningful Struggles

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "These wise words reflect the values of sacrifice, struggle, and bravery of the heroes who fought for the independence and freedom of Indonesia. They are an example for all of us to always appreciate and uphold the values of independence."

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