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Etiquette when yawning that needs to be done so that demons do not possess the human body

Etiquette when yawning that needs to be done so that demons do not possess the human body

Adab saat Menguap yang Perlu Dilakukan agar Setan Tidak Merasuki Tubuh Manusia

Dream - When feeling drowsy or tired, a person will yawn as a body response to the activities carried out. Yawning is also a sign that the brain needs oxygen. Even feeling bored with certain situations can also make us yawn.

"Devil Enters the Body Through Yawning"

It turns out that yawning is one of the ways for demons to enter the human body. When opening the mouth while yawning, demons easily possess humans, who then carry out their actions to lead them astray.

According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), menguap means to open the mouth and exhale due to drowsiness. In Islam, menguap is considered normal but should be approached with etiquette. Etiquette in yawning is important to be observed, especially when done in the presence of many people. Yawning without etiquette can only make people around us uncomfortable. This is why Islam pays great attention to matters of etiquette, including when yawning.

Closed with Left Hand Back

When yawning, whether during prayer or outside of prayer, try to cover your mouth with the back of your left hand. It doesn't have to be tightly closed, the important thing is that the wide open mouth when yawning is not so visible to people around you. Because when yawning, our mouth opens wide. This is not good in terms of etiquette, so it must be covered to hide its unpleasantness.


"Allah Hates Yawning"

From Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Indeed, Allah likes sneezing and dislikes yawning. Therefore, if you sneeze and praise Allah, then it is obligatory for every Muslim who hears it to say 'yarhamukallah' (may Allah have mercy on you). As for yawning, it is from Satan, so if someone yawns, they should try to suppress it as much as possible. If someone yawns and makes the sound 'huaaahh,' then Satan laughs at them." (Narrated by Bukhari)

Yawning is from the devil

The translation of the given text is as follows: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: \u201cYawning is from Satan, so if someone yawns, they should try to suppress it as much as possible.\u201d (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)"

Menguap Itu dari Setan

"Make the Devil Happy"

Yawning that is not covered makes the devil laugh with joy. Especially if yawning loudly without covering it, the devil will be even happier.

"Laughing at the Faults of Humanity"

The devil laughs when humans yawn because the faces of Adam and Eve become ugly. The devil laughs at the ugliness of human faces when they yawn. In addition, the devil also feels successful in tempting humans to be lazy and always sleepy. Yawning is one of the temptations of the devil to make humans neglectful, lazy, sleep a lot, and have a heavy burden in worship.


Ibnu Hajar rahimahullah said:

"The purpose of yawning is to please and satisfy the devil."


"Etiquette When Yawning that Should Be Done"

"Rasulullah SAW prohibited his followers from yawning as they please. He SAW taught the etiquettes that Muslims should practice when yawning. Here is an example of the Prophet SAW's behavior when yawning:"

1. Hold it

As much as possible, we should try to resist the urge to yawn. If we can't hold it back, it is best to cover our mouths with the back of our left hand. "If one of you yawns, let him try to hold it back as much as he can and never say 'ha...ha...' because at that moment, the devil is mocking him." (Narrated by Abu Dawud)


2. Do Not Make Noise

Usually we will make a sound when yawning. Even some people intentionally make that sound loudly. However, this is not recommended, because the devil will be very happy to see the ugliness of human faces. The devil will also enter the human body through the wide-open mouth when yawning. I seek refuge in Allah from that!

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