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Amalan Sholat Dhuha Khusus untuk Rezeki Paling Cepat, Jangan Terlewat!

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Dhuha Prayer Practice Specifically for the Fastest Provision, Don't Miss It!"

Dream - Dhuha prayer is one of the practices in Islam that has various virtues. One of its virtues is as a practice to bring abundant sustenance. Dhuha prayer is believed to quickly open the door to sustenance because of good behavior and full of goodness in performing worship.

Through the Dhuha prayer, a person can also maintain a balance between worldly activities and worship. The Dhuha prayer can be an encouragement in carrying out various daily activities and help maintain harmony in everyday life.

Amalan Sholat Dhuha Khusus untuk Rezeki Paling Cepat, Jangan Terlewat!

"The Virtues of Performing Dhuha Prayer"

holat Dhuha is one of the recommended sunnah prayers for Muslims. This prayer is performed from the time after sunrise until before zuhr time. Dhuha prayer has many virtues that can be obtained by those who perform it. One of them is to receive great rewards from Allah SWT. In addition, this prayer can also be a form of gratitude for the blessings given by Allah, thus increasing faith and devotion to Him.

1. Bringing Blessings

The virtues of the Dhuha prayer are very great, one of which is bringing sustenance. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that Allah SWT said, "O son of Adam, pray four units of prayer for Me in the early morning, and I will suffice your needs in the later part of the day."


By performing the dhuha prayer, a person will gain blessings and self-confidence in their work. Allah SWT will provide abundant sustenance to His servant who diligently performs the dhuha prayer. In addition, the dhuha prayer also helps a person to maintain a good relationship with Allah SWT, so that the sustenance obtained will bring peace and tranquility to the heart.

2. How to Donate to Your Body

One of the virtues of performing the dhuha prayer is as a way of giving charity to the body. Performing the dhuha prayer can provide freshness and positive energy to the body. By starting the morning with worship, a person's mind and feelings will become calmer and more peaceful, thus reducing stress and anxiety that can have a negative impact on physical health.


By worshiping consistently, a person also gives charity to their own body. Dhuha prayer is the perfect time for self-reflection and introspection, which can help a person improve the quality of their life as a whole.

Amalan Sholat Dhuha Khusus untuk Rezeki Paling Cepat, Jangan Terlewat!

3. Rezeki Jiwa dan Pikiran yang Tenang 3. Soul and Mind's Blessings of Tranquility

One of the virtues of the Dhuha prayer that brings peace to the soul and mind is because it is performed in the morning, when the atmosphere is still calm and the mind is not yet overwhelmed by daily activities. The Dhuha prayer can also help someone calm their mind and heart, thus reducing possible stress experienced.


4. Getting Forgiveness

One of the virtues of Dhuha prayer is that it can bring forgiveness from Allah. By performing Dhuha prayer, a person shows sincerity of heart and demonstrates that they do not neglect worship even in busy or difficult situations. Thus, Dhuha prayer becomes a practice that can bring forgiveness from Allah SWT, as Allah grants forgiveness to His servants who diligently strive to draw closer to Him.

5. Palace Built in Heaven

One of the virtues of the Dhuha prayer is the promise of a palace in heaven for those who regularly perform it. Allah SWT said in a hadith qudsi narrated by Imam Muslim, "O son of Adam, pray four units of prayer for Me at the beginning of the day, and I will build a palace for you in heaven." (Narrated by Muslim)

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The virtue of dhuha prayer becomes one of the motivations for Muslims to diligently perform it. In addition, dhuha prayer also has various benefits such as refreshing the mind, increasing blessings in sustenance, and getting closer to Allah SWT."

Amalan Sholat Dhuha Khusus untuk Rezeki Paling Cepat, Jangan Terlewat!

"Prayer After Performing Dhuha Prayer"

The following translation is provided while preserving the HTML tags:

Doa setelah Sholat Dhuha ini dicantumkan oleh Asy-Syarwani dalam Syarh Al Minhaj dan disebutkan pula oleh Ad-Dimyathi dalam I'anatuth Thalibiin.

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"O Allah, indeed the morning brightness is Your brightness, and the morning light is Your light, and the beauty is Your beauty, and the strength is Your strength, and the power is Your power, and the protection is Your protection. O Allah, if my sustenance is in the heavens, then send it down, and if it is on the earth, then bring it forth, and if it is difficult, then make it easy, and if it is impure, then purify it, and if it is far, then make it close, by the right of Your brightness, and Your beauty, and Your strength, and Your power. Grant me what You have granted to Your righteous servants."

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Meaning: "It means: 'O Allah, truly the time of Duha is Your time of Duha, the magnificence is Your magnificence, the beauty is Your beauty, the strength is Your strength, the protection is Your protection. O Allah, if my sustenance is in the heavens, then bring it down. If it is in the earth, then bring it forth. If it is difficult, then make it easy. If it is forbidden, then make it permissible. If it is far, then bring it near with Your truth of Duha, Your magnificence, Your beauty, and Your strength. Grant me what You grant to Your righteous servants.'"

Prayer of Dhuha Salah Frequently Recited by Prophet Muhammad PBUH

"Rasulullah often recited remembrance and prayers after the dhuha prayer, which is rarely known. Allahummaghfirli wa tub 'alayya innaka antat tawwabur rohimu. Meaning: 'O Allah, forgive my sins and accept my repentance. Indeed, You are the Most Accepting of repentance and the Most Forgiving.'"

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