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Apa Itu Malam Nisfu Syaban? Ini Pengertian, Doa dan Keutamaannya bagi Umat Islam

What is the Night of Nisfu Syaban? This is the Understanding, Prayer and Virtue for Muslims.

Syaban is one of the months in the Hijri calendar that is considered noble.

Dream - The term "nisfu syaban night" is often heard when approaching the month of Ramadan. This term is very popular in Islam. Syaban is one of the months in the Islamic calendar that is considered noble. Various important events in the history of the development of Islam occurred in this month. Syaban is also a moment when Allah SWT opens wide doors of mercy and forgiveness for His servants.

Apa Itu Malam Nisfu Syaban? Ini Pengertian, Doa dan Keutamaannya bagi Umat Islam

"For those of you who want to know more about what is the night of Nisfu Syaban, what are its virtues, and how to recite the prayer for the night of Nisfu Syaban, here is a complete explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources."

What is the Night of Nisfu Syaban?

"For a Muslim, you may have often heard the term "nisfu Syaban night". But what is nisfu Syaban night? Nisfu Syaban night is a very auspicious night, especially in the month of Syaban. This time is a very good opportunity for Muslims to pray and seek forgiveness from Allah SWT, as explained in a hadith: "Allah comes to all His creatures and grants forgiveness to them for all sins except those who associate partners with Allah and those who have enmity towards each other." (HR. Ibnu Majah, at-Thabrani and Ibnu Hibban)."

"Moreover, according to Islamic history, in the month of Syaban there are many significant events, one of which is the change of qibla direction from Masjidil Aqsa to Masjidil Haram, Mecca. So, when the month of Syaban arrives, do not waste it. Utilize it as best as possible to pray and seek forgiveness from Him and to do as much good as possible."

Apa Itu Malam Nisfu Syaban? Ini Pengertian, Doa dan Keutamaannya bagi Umat Islam

"The Virtues of the Night of Nisfu Syaban"

"After knowing what is the night of Nisfu Syaban, it is important for us to also know what are the virtues of that noble night. Here are some virtues of the night of Nisfu Syaban that need to be known by Muslims:"

1. The Widest Forgiveness

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Night of Nisfu Syaban falls on the 15th night or the middle of the month of Syaban. One of the virtues of the night of Nisfu Syaban is that Allah SWT promises forgiveness as vast as possible for every servant."


"The Hadith:"

"From Aisyah radhiyallahu anha, she said that 'Rasulullah SAW woke up at night and performed prayer and prolonged prostration, so I thought he had been taken. Because of suspicion, I moved his finger and it turned out to still be moving. When he lifted his head from prostration and finished his prayer, he said, 'O Asiyah (or O Humaira), do you think that Rasulullah did not give your right to you?'"



I answered, "No, O Messenger of Allah, but I thought that you were called by Allah because of your long prostration." The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "Do you know what night is this?" I answered, "Allah and His Messenger know best." He said, "This is the night of Nisfu Syaban (mid-Sha'ban). And Allah appears to His servants on the night of Nisfu Syaban and forgives those who seek forgiveness, loves those who seek love, but delays those who harbor envy as they behave." (Narrated by Al-Baihaqi)


2. The granting of Prayers

A hadith narrated by Jabir bin Abdullah RA, explained that on the night of Nisfu Syaban, it is recommended to increase worship, because Allah SWT will grant the prayers of His servants on the night of Nisfu Syaban. "Jabir RA said, 'I heard the Messenger of Allah, may peace be upon him, saying, 'Indeed, on that night there is a time when a Muslim who asks Allah for the good of this world and the hereafter at that time, Allah will definitely grant it to him. And that time is present every night.' (Narrated by Muslim)"

"Reading of the Night Prayer of Nisfu Syaban"

"Previously it has been explained that on the night of Nisfu Syaban it is recommended to engage in many acts of worship and pray to Allah SWT. In the book Maslakul Akhyar by Mufti Betawi Sayyid Utsman bin Yahya, it is mentioned the recitation of prayers that can be read during the night of Nisfu Syaban."

"Here is the Arabic prayer reading:"



"Latin Reading"

Allâhumma yâ dzal manni wa lâ yumannu ‘alaik, yâ dzal jalâli wal ikrâm, yâ dzat thawli wal in‘âm, lâ ilâha illâ anta zhahral lâjîn wa jâral mustajîrîn wa ma‘manal khâ’ifîn. Allâhumma in kunta katabtanî ‘indaka fî ummil kitâbi syaqiyyan aw mahrûman aw muqtarran ‘alayya fir rizqi, famhullâhumma fî ummil kitâbi syaqâwatî wa hirmânî waqtitâra rizqî, waktubnî ‘indaka sa‘îdan marzûqan muwaffaqan lil khairât. Fa innaka qulta wa qawlukal haqqu fî kitâbikal munzal ‘alâ lisâninabiyyikal mursal, “yamhullâhu mâ yasyâ’u wa yutsbitu, wa ‘indahû ummul kitâb” wa shallallâhu ‘alâ sayyidinâ muhammad wa alâ âlihî wa shahbihî wa sallama, walhamdu lillâhi rabbil ‘alamîn. Translation: O Allah, the Possessor of blessings with no end, who cannot be denied, O Possessor of majesty and honor, O Possessor of support and generosity, there is no god but You, the One who reveals the hidden and aids the destitute, and the refuge of the fearful. O Allah, if You have written me in Your Book as one who is sick, afflicted, or in need of provisions, then erase, O Allah, from Your Book my sickness, affliction, and need for provisions, and write me down in Your Book as one who is healthy, blessed, and successful in performing good deeds. Indeed, You have said and Your statement is true in Your revealed Book on the tongue of Your Messenger, "Allah erases what He wills and confirms [what He wills], and with Him is the Mother of the Book." And may Allah's blessings be upon our leader Muhammad, his family, companions, and those who follow them, and all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds.


"O my Lord, the ultimate giver, you are not given. O Lord, the owner of greatness and glory. O Lord, the provider of all wealth and blessings. There is no god but You, the strength of those who seek help, the refuge of those who seek shelter, and the safe haven for those who fear. My Lord, if You record me in Your Preserved Tablet as a wretched, unlucky, or financially constrained person, then erase from the Preserved Tablet my misfortune, bad luck, and financial hardship."


Please note that the translation provided below is a direct translation and may not convey the same meaning or sentiment as the original text. "Record me by Your side as a fortunate person, blessed with sustenance, and guided to do good deeds because You have said - while Your words are true - in Your book that was revealed through the words of Your messenger, 'Allah erases and establishes what He wills. With Him is the Preserved Tablet.' May Allah send blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family and companions. All praise be to Allah."

Apa Itu Malam Nisfu Syaban? Ini Pengertian, Doa dan Keutamaannya bagi Umat Islam
Apa Itu Malam Nisfu Syaban? Ini Pengertian, Doa dan Keutamaannya bagi Umat Islam

That is the answer to the question of what is the night of Nisfu Syaban, complete with an explanation of its virtues and the reading of its prayers. After knowing the above review, Muslims should be more enthusiastic in carrying out acts of worship and increasing goodness to welcome the noble month.

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