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Peneliti Ungkap Magnet Bumi Hampir Terbalik, Begini Dampaknya bagi Kehidupan

Researchers Reveal Earth's Magnetic Field is Almost Reversed, Here's the Impact on Life

Peneliti Ungkap Magnet Bumi Hampir Terbalik, Begini Dampaknya bagi Kehidupan

Dream - The Earth's magnetic field plays a significant role in the sustainability of all life within it. Scientists say that harmful radiation and geomagnetic activity are directly blocked in the Earth's magnetic layer.

Impact of Earth's Magnetic Field Shift

Impact of Earth's Magnetic Field Shift

However, recently researchers have mentioned that the Earth's magnetic field has moved and changed position. So, how does it affect human life?

According to, for centuries experts have been monitoring the position of the magnetic poles. They have noticed that the North pole undergoes geometric movements in its field. Even experts say that the movements that occur have the potential to be the beginning of a reversal of the magnetic field between the North and South poles. An astrophysicist explains that a slight movement in the North magnetic pole is not a big issue.

Peneliti Ungkap Magnet Bumi Hampir Terbalik, Begini Dampaknya bagi Kehidupan

However, if there is a reversal of the magnetic field, it greatly impacts human life, especially affecting climate and technology on Earth. Earth has 2 types of fields, and the resulting movements are also different.

"Small changes have the potential to become big"

The larger movement leads to a symmetrical magnetic field with north and south poles, similar to the concept of a toy magnet. Even a small deviation can actually cause significant changes in the field over time, potentially resulting in a complete reversal of the polarity of the dipole field, with north becoming south and vice versa.


But this reversal does not happen instantly, it usually takes thousands of years. The process of shifting the position of this field will disrupt the flow of Earth's protective bubble.

Peneliti Ungkap Magnet Bumi Hampir Terbalik, Begini Dampaknya bagi Kehidupan

"Shift 965 kilometers"

This happens because the Magnetosphere is related to solar wind, which is a stream of gas. The Magnetosphere works together with the ionosphere to protect the Earth from coronal mass ejections that can generate geomagnetic storms. If the Magnetosphere is reversed, such storms can cause radiation that potentially damages satellites, astronauts, and conducting systems such as pipes and electrical flow.

Peneliti Ungkap Magnet Bumi Hampir Terbalik, Begini Dampaknya bagi Kehidupan

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Scientists map and track the shape and orientation of the Earth's magnetic field using local measurements of the field's orientation and magnitude. Then the experts mention that the location of the North magnetic pole has moved about 600 miles (965 kilometers) since 1831."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The shift has increased from 10 miles per year to 34 miles per year (16 kilometers to 54 kilometers) in recent years. However, experts cannot provide certainty because the data available is still less than 200 years. Scientists can determine how often the magnetic field reverses by studying volcanic rocks in the ocean. So, these rocks provide an insight into how the Earth's field has evolved over time."

The reversal that occurs will be considered fast from a geological perspective, while humans will perceive it as slow. Until now, scientists have not been able to determine with certainty when the next magnetic field reversal will occur. However, there are warnings of significant impacts that could alter the structure of the Earth, such as potentially disrupting ozone concentrations in the atmosphere. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)

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