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"Want to Always Be Steadfast in Worship? Practice This Prayer, Complete with Its Tips that, God Willing, Can Strengthen Faith"

Dream - Humans are created by Allah SWT in this world with the purpose of worshiping Allah SWT. Use your time in this life as best as possible to perform various righteous deeds commanded by Allah SWT and His Messenger. Worship must be done sincerely and earnestly, and also must be consistent. This shows our obedience and faith in Allah SWT. However, as humans, it is sometimes easy to waver in performing worship. Therefore, it must be accompanied by prayers that can help us remain consistent in worship. Well, here is a prayer to remain consistent in worship that you can practice as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Doa agar Istiqomah Beribadah

"Prayer for Consistency in Worship"

Dear Dream friends who want to stay close to Allah SWT, then they should not abandon worship and do it consistently. Here is a prayer for consistent worship that was taught by the Prophet Muhammad saw:

"Allahumma mushorrifal quluubi shorrif quluubanaa 'alaa thoo'atik" means "O Allah, the One who turns hearts, turn our hearts towards obedience and worship to You." (Narrated by Muslim) Additionally, another supplication for steadfastness in worship can be added: "Yaa muqollibal quluubi, tsabbit qolbii 'alaa diinik" which translates to "O Turner of hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion."

Tips to Maintain Consistency in Worship

Being consistent is certainly not an easy thing. However, when there is a strong intention in it, God willing, it can be carried out well, including in terms of performing worship. Here are some tips to maintain consistency in worship that need to be known.

Tips agar Istiqomah Beribadah

1. Understanding the Two Sentences of the Testimony of Faith

To understand the two sentences of the Shahada well, then Allah SWT will grant a person's faith in the world to continue doing righteous deeds. In fact, in the hereafter, it will also be made easy to answer the questions of the angels.


2. Studying the Quran and Reflecting upon it

"The Quran is not just read, but also studied and deeply understood. Because within it lies guidance for the Muslim community. Especially for those who are facing doubt."

3. Iltizam or Commitment

Commitment is very important, that is in carrying out the commands of Allah SWT. Righteous deeds that are done continuously, even if only little by little, are better and preferred by Allah SWT. In fact, this can also prevent feelings of weariness in doing good deeds.

3. Iltizam atau Komitmen

4. The Story of the Righteous People Used as an Example

Make the stories of the righteous people as an example. Whether it's listening from others, reading books, and so on. From those stories, there are many lessons that can be taken as a means of self-awareness and meaningful learning.


5. Pray a lot

Not less important is to pray as much as possible to Allah SWT. Ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT and ask for steadfastness in worshiping Him.

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