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"60 Health Quotes that Can Motivate You to Start Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle"

"With a healthy body, a person can comfortably and easily engage in various activities."

Dream - A healthy body is a blessing from God that must be grateful for. With a healthy body, Dream Friends can do various activities comfortably and easily. Whatever the reason, maintaining health must be realized as something very important. Make sure you maintain a good diet, regular rest, and don't forget to exercise. By doing so, the body will not easily get sick. In addition, Dream friends can also read health quotes to provide motivation and realize that health is very important. Here are some health quotes that you can read as summarized by Dream through

Quotes Kesehatan yang Membangkitkan Motivasi

"Health Quotes that Inspire Motivation"

"People call health true wealth because it is the source of people's happiness." "You cannot hire someone else to exercise for you." - Jim Rohn"

"Prioritize what is good for your health, heart, and mind, because goodness is the source of blessings in your life." - Mario Teguh "If you love yourself, you will not harm your mental and physical health with bad habits." - Mario Teguh "It is better to be healthy alone than to be sick with others." - Phil McGraw "The most beautiful thing in this world is to be given health and a happy family as age increases." "Most of life's problems originate from the mouth; if not from eating wrong, then from speaking wrong." - Mario Teguh "The greatest folly is sacrificing health for other types of happiness." - Arthur Schopenhauer"

"When you enter the operating room, you realize how valuable health is." - Steve Jobs "Do not maintain bad habits while praying for health and long life." - Mario Teguh

60 Health Quotes that Can Motivate You to Start Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

"Health is the foundation of all God's blessings, without which all blessings become incomplete." - Mario Teguh "A person can enjoy life when they have good health." "Take care of your health, as it will accommodate your long life." - Mario Teguh "Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live." - Jim Rohn "I have a principle of balance to achieve a peaceful life, which is love, health, and prosperity." - James Thurber "A healthy lifestyle is not something that can be bought, but a habit that you must do regularly." - Denny Santoso "He who is healthy has hope; he who hopes, has everything." - Thomas Carlyle

"Health is the greatest wealth that brings joy and well-being throughout the day." – Djajendra "To enjoy good health, you must exercise." - Gene Tunney

60 Health Quotes that Can Motivate You to Start Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

"Health is the first consideration, and sleep is a prerequisite to obtain it." "If by acquiring knowledge we actually damage our health, then we are working for something useless." - John Locke "The most pleasant thing in the midst of difficult times is good health and sufficient sleep." - Knute Nelson "Health is also the most expensive treasure. As we know, the cost of treatment in hospitals is very expensive." "Health is the relationship between you and your body." - Terri Guillemets "Diseases arise because we often underestimate the importance of maintaining our health."

"Of course, people can do anything when they are in good health. Unlike sick people who cannot engage in activities freely." "A peaceful mind brings inner strength and confidence, so it is very important for good health." - Dalai Lama XIV

60 Health Quotes that Can Motivate You to Start Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

"The best skincare is by eliminating unhealthy food and toxic people." - Agnez Mo"It is much harder to make people healthy than to make them sick." - DeForest Clinton Jarvis"True wealth is health, not gold and silver." - Mahatma Gandhi"When we are healthy, wealth is the most important thing. But when we are sick, wealth is worthless."The greatest wealth is health." - Ralph Waldo Emerson"Do not be mistaken. Gold and silver will lose their value compared to health."Health is the relationship between you and your body." - Terri Guillemets"From the bitterness of someone's illness, they learn the sweetness of being healthy." - Catalan Proverb"

"With jokes, we can momentarily forget the difficulties of life. With humor, our minds become healthy." - Abdurrahman Wahid "Health and happiness naturally give birth to one another." - Joseph Addison

60 Health Quotes that Can Motivate You to Start Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

"Health is not a luxury. Health is cheap, but it becomes expensive when health turns into illness." "Water is life and clean water means health." - Audrey Hepburn "Medicine and vitamins are not a guarantee of a healthy life. Watch your words, take care of your heart, get enough rest, eat balanced nutrition, and exercise regularly, that is the key to a healthy life." - Bob Sadino "Someone who is too busy to take care of their health is like a mechanic who is too busy to maintain their tools." - Spanish Proverb "Thinking about illness constantly will intensify it. Always feel, 'I am healthy physically and mentally'." - Swami Sivananda Sarasvati

"The most enjoyable pleasure in this world is being healthy, because whatever you have in this world, you will not be able to enjoy it if you are sick." - Dani Kaizen "Time and health are two precious assets that are not recognized and valued until both are lost." - Denis Waitley

60 Health Quotes that Can Motivate You to Start Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

"Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously." - Jean Pierre Barral"A person who neglects their health is someone who is saving problems for their future."No one should feel secure about two things: health and wealth." - Ali bin Abi Thalib"Many people do not realize how important their health is. They only realize this when they have lost it."Paying a high price for health and education investment will never be in vain, instead, you are preparing for a beautiful future.""

Quotes Kesehatan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

"Quotes Health English and Its Meaning"

"A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier." - Tom Stoppard (Sikap sehat itu menular, tetapi jangan menunggu untuk tertular dari orang lain. Jadilah pembawa.)

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not." - Mark Twain (Satu-satunya cara untuk menjaga kesehatan adalah dengan makan apa yang tidak kamu inginkan, minum apa yang tidak kamu sukai, dan melakukan apa yang kamu lebih tidak sukai.) "The best doctor gives the least medicine." - Benjamin Franklin (Dokter terbaik memberikan obat paling sedikit.) "Health is not simply the absence of sickness." - Hannah Green (Kesehatan bukan hanya karena tidak adanya penyakit.) "From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health." - Pepatah Catalan (Dari kepahitan penyakit, manusia belajar manisnya kesehatan.) "Health is not valued till sickness comes." - Thomas Fuller (Kesehatan tidak dihargai sampai penyakit datang.)

"To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life." - William Londen (Untuk memastikan kesehatan yang baik: makanlah dengan ringan, bernapas dalam-dalam, hidup moderat, tumbuhkan keceriaan, dan pertahankan minat dalam hidup.)

60 Health Quotes that Can Motivate You to Start Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." - Thomas Edison (Dokter masa depan tidak akan lagi memperlakukan tubuh manusia dengan obat-obatan, tetapi akan menyembuhkan dan mencegah penyakit dengan nutrisi.)

"The more you eat, the less flavor; the less you eat, the more flavor." - Chinese Proverb (Makin banyak kamu makan, makin sedikit rasa; semakin sedikit kamu makan, semakin banyak rasa.)

"The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system." - Robert C. Peale (Farmasi terbaik dan paling efisien ada di dalam sistemmu sendiri.)

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