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Curhat Istri Masakannya Dibuang Suami Hanya Karena Sedikit Keasinan.

"Complaint: Wife's Cooking Was Thrown Away by Husband Just Because It Was a Little Too Salty."

Already an orphan, this woman can only survive with her selfish and temperamental husband.

Dream - Besides the presence of a third person, food sometimes becomes the trigger for arguments between husband and wife in a household. In this case, the wife always becomes the victim because one of her duties as a housewife is cooking. Just like what a wife experienced, feeling sad about her husband's behavior in a video uploaded on Instagram @memomedsos_official.

Sifat Suami Hobi Main Emosi

The translation of the 'Bahasa' text "Sifat Suami Hobi Main Emosi" to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Husband's Nature: Hobby of Playing with Emotions".

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Woman who just wants to be called Tita confides to netizens about her husband's behavior that always prioritizes emotions over feelings. Tita admits that she often becomes the target of her husband's anger just because of the food she cooks."

According to Tita, her husband has a bad habit if he doesn't like her cooking. Not only does he get angry, but he also throws the food on the floor if Tita's cooking doesn't meet his taste.

Viral! Wife Complains about Husband's Temperament and Lack of Consideration: Food with a Little Saltiness Immediately Thrown Away
Viral! Wife Complains about Husband's Temperament and Lack of Consideration: Food with a Little Saltiness Immediately Thrown Away

Salty food or a little sweetness, her husband immediately threw it on the floor. Her husband's behavior made Tita heartbroken. She couldn't bear to live with her husband anymore.

"Tak Punya Tempat untuk Mengadu" translates to "No Place to Vent" in English.

However, what can she do? Tita cannot go back to her parents' house. She became an orphan after both of her parents passed away. So Tita doesn't know where to seek refuge. She can only rely on her husband, who ironically hurts her.

Tak Punya Tempat untuk Mengadu

"Actually Want to Separate, But..."

Tita herself does not work. She is just a housewife who relies on her husband's income. But seeing her temperamental husband, Tita becomes conflicted. Her mental state is completely destroyed by her husband's attitude. Tita actually wants to separate from her husband. However, she is powerless because there are children that she has to take care of. "I cannot bear it, I am impatient, but I have to go through it all," Tita complained as she tried to survive despite her broken heart.

Food Scattered on the Floor

Food Scattered on the Floor

While in the video she uploaded, Tita showed the floor of her house filled with food.

"Dibuang Suami karena Keasinan" translates to "Husband Discarded for Greediness" in English.

The food was scattered after her husband threw it away because Tita's cooking was considered too salty.

Dibuang Suami karena Keasinan

"Video of a wife venting about not being able to handle her husband because he often wastes food just because it's slightly overcooked has gone viral and has sparked various comments from netizens. Many have advised Tita to immediately separate from this type of man who easily gets angry over trivial matters. 'There's no point in staying for the sake of the children, mothers also need a healthy mindset. A healthy mother means a healthy child too \ud83d\ude22.' 'Her husband watches too much Master Chef.' 'I also feel sorry for the child, but if the husband behaves like that, it's only right to stand up against him so he knows his place.'"

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