Better experience in portrait mode.

"Wanted the Kitchen to Look Aesthetic Using a Transparent Roof, Ended up Feeling Hot like in the Field"

"He is forced to cook wearing a hat so as not to get too hot in his own kitchen."

Dream - One of the goals of building or renovating a house is to create a comfortable and aesthetic room design. With a beautiful room design, the residents of the house will feel at home in it. The owner also feels proud when neighbors or people see it. However, designing an aesthetic house should not be done alone. Especially if you don't understand or have knowledge about interior and exterior. Don't just look at photos on the internet and apply them to your beloved home without consulting with an expert first.

Konsultasikan dengan Arsitek

Consult with the Architect

It is better to consult with a designer or architect who understands design and building structure. Do not let yourself experience the same unfortunate fate as Indah Cahyani, a mother from Tangerang, as follows.

Beautiful story about the condition of her kitchen can be a lesson for those of you who are building or renovating a house. Especially for those who want to have an aesthetic kitchen by applying a transparent roof on the top of the room.

Ingin Dapur Terlihat Estetis Pakai Atap Transparan, Malah Kepanasan Sampai Masak Pakai Topi
Ingin Dapur Terlihat Estetis Pakai Atap Transparan, Malah Kepanasan Sampai Masak Pakai Topi

In the video, the kitchen space in Indah's house appears bright even without turning on the lights. Various cooking utensils are clearly visible and show shadows as if they were outside the room.

"The Sunlight Shines into the Room"

Even the sunlight can directly enter the minimalist-designed kitchen room.

Apparently, Indah applied a transparent roof design to the ceiling part of her kitchen. The size of the transparent roof is quite large and allows the occupants to look directly at the sky. However, instead of bringing joy, the transparent roof actually makes Indah suffer every time she enters the kitchen.

Ingin Dapur Terlihat Estetis Pakai Atap Transparan, Malah Kepanasan Sampai Masak Pakai Topi
Ingin Dapur Terlihat Estetis Pakai Atap Transparan, Malah Kepanasan Sampai Masak Pakai Topi

"Indah admits feeling hot because of the direct sunlight and heat from the Sun, which directly hit the inside of her kitchen. Due to the extreme heat, Indah is forced to wear a hat every time she cooks in the kitchen."

"Now, to reduce the heat of the Sun, Indah has installed a paranet under the transparent roof."

Failed to Have an Aesthetic Kitchen

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The beautiful kitchen failed aesthetically because its transparent roof allows sunlight and heat to pass through. Now, Indah can only wait for fortune to come so that she can renovate her aesthetically failed kitchen."

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