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Viral Touching Tears of the Runner-Up Child Swimmer Who Didn't Win a Medal Now Ends with a Happy Ending

Viral Touching Tears of the Runner-Up Child Swimmer Who Didn't Win a Medal Now Ends with a Happy Ending

Viral Tangis Haru Bocah Juara 2 Renang tapi Tak Menang Medali Kini Berakhir Happy Ending

Dream - A video shows a young swimmer crying after participating in the Sleman District Student Sports Week (Popkab) competition, which went viral on social media. The boy managed to finish in second place but did not receive a medal.

Menangis di Pelukan Ibu

"Crying in Mother's Embrace"

In the video uploaded by the mother on the TikTok account, the child named Egi can be seen crying in his mother's embrace because he did not become the swimming competition champion.

"Learn to be sincere, even if the results do not match the reality during the competition."
write video description.


Egi at that time participated in a 100-meter freestyle swimming competition. After the competition, Egi successfully became the second fastest.

Viral Tangis Haru Bocah Juara 2 Renang tapi Tak Menang Medali Kini Berakhir Happy Ending
Viral Tangis Haru Bocah Juara 2 Renang tapi Tak Menang Medali Kini Berakhir Happy Ending

However, during the announcement of the competition winner, Egi did not get the second place. His parents briefly protested to the committee by showing a video evidence.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Jury's Decision Remains Unchanged".

"Unfortunately, the committee did not accept input and Egi was said to still not win. Although he did not succeed in the 100-meter event, Egi must accept gracefully the bronze medal in the 50-meter freestyle event."


"Chronology: Our child Egi (Ghiyats) has just participated in the Swimming Competition POPKAB SLEMAN DIY, during the race Egi (Ghiyats) alhamdulillah successfully became the second fastest in the 100M Freestyle event. Many people witnessed and documented the competition. However, suddenly during the announcement, he did not receive any medals."

"tulisnya." translates to "write it."

Viral Tangis Haru Bocah Juara 2 Renang tapi Tak Menang Medali Kini Berakhir Happy Ending

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Appearing in the video, Egi doesn't stop crying because he is sad and disappointed with his one-month training efforts in vain. Meanwhile, his mother can only comfort her son and learn to accept it."

"Our child is devastated, our child who has been struggling and training for 1 month. Well..even though we are still grateful to have received a bronze medal in the 50M Freestyle class."

"tulisnya." translates to "write it."

Viral Tangis Haru Bocah Juara 2 Renang tapi Tak Menang Medali Kini Berakhir Happy Ending

In response to the incident, Regent Sleman Kustini Sri Purnomo will order the Youth and Sports Department to conduct an evaluation and improvement. Mediation between Egi's parents and the competition committee is currently underway.

"Today, the regent, through the Department of Youth and Sports, conducted mediation between Ghiyats Gajaksahda's parents and the POPKAB Competition Committee."
write Kustini in Instagram Stories.


Meanwhile, the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo expressed his concern about the incident. Dito mentioned that this is what will be used as a reference in the future so that the Ministry of Youth and Sports can focus more on improving human resources in terms of sports. He also hopes that the incident that happened to Egi will not happen again. "This is the reason why @kemenpora is currently focusing on the education program of upgrading human resources, management, training, refereeing, and medical personnel in sports so that these things can be eliminated," said Dito through Instagram Stories, Thursday, November 30, 2023. Belajar untuk Ikhlas, walaupun hasil tidak sesuai dengan kenyataannya saat lomba. . Kronologis : Anak kami Egi (Ghiyats) baru saja mengikuti lomba Renang POPKAB SLEMAN DIY, pada saat perlombaan Egi (Ghiyats) alhamdulillah berhasil menjadi tercepat kedua di nomer 100M Gaya Bebas. Banyak orang menyaksikan dan mendokumentasikan perlombaan tersebut. Di foto terakhir, anak kami Egi (Ghiyats) No.2 . Namun tiba2 pas pengumuman hasil Lomba. Egi (Ghiyats) tidak mendapatkan mendali apa2. Kami sempat mengajukan protes dgn mengajukan video hasil rekaman kami. Tpi Panitia tidak mau menerima masukan dan tetap pada keputusannya. . Jadi yang menjadi pemenang versi panitia adalah ( lihat di foto bagian akhir ) No. 1 No. 4 No. 3 . Kami pulang dengan hati yang sangat hancur, terlebih anak kami yg sudah berjuang berlatih selama 1 bulan. Yahh.. walaupun kami masih bisa bersyukur, masih mendapatkan Mendali Perunggu, di kelas 50M Gaya Bebas. . Semoga kami bisa bangkit lagi. Dan semoga PENGDA AQUATIK Sleman bisa melakukan Instropeksi dgn membuka mata hati, mendengarkan dan juga menerima kritikan ketika ada keluhan setiap kegiatan. Jangan menutup diri dengan hal - hal yg bersifat masukan. Terutama untuk pengembangan atlet atlet Olahraga Aquatik. . #akuatikindonesia #akuatikjogja #akuatiksleman #akuatikyogyakarta #disporasleman #kemenpora #belajarikhlas #ikhlas #berjuang #semangatberlatih💪 ♬ suara asli - Bumbu Instan Dapur Sitok - Bunda Egi dan Ghifa
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