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"The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years"

Dream - Ancient humans used the surrounding nature to survive. The relics of ancient humans are starting to be found and researched. Even many prehistoric artifacts are discovered in Indonesia.

The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years

"Aged 7,000 Years"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Archaeologists in the Indonesia-Australia joint research conducted excavations in Sulawesi. They discovered two artifacts of tiger shark teeth that are 7 thousand years old, which were used as knives for rituals or warfare."

This finding is the earliest archaeological evidence in the world because the oldest shark teeth found are only 5,000 years old. Both shark teeth were found in different places, namely the layers of Leang Panninge and Leang Bulu Sipong. The teeth have the same size, approximately 2 meters long, and have holes.

The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years
The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Tooth found in Leang Panninge has two holes inside it while another tooth originating from Leang Bulu Sipong only has one hole."

The microscopic examination of the shark's teeth showed that a handle had been attached using plant-based thread as an adhesive, similar to glue. The teeth are used as tools for stabbing, cutting, and scraping meat or bone.

The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years
The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years

According to Live Science, the shark teeth shaped like knives are believed to have been used by the Toalean community living in southwest Sulawesi as everyday cutting tools.

Archaeologists state that almost all shark tooth knives have the ability to inflict deep wounds on someone's skin, making them likely to be used for warfare. Furthermore, shark teeth also become dull quickly, making them unsuitable for everyday use as knives.

The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years

The community in other countries also uses shark teeth as knives for fighting or rituals when they cannot be used as body ornaments. Like in Northern Queensland, which has a long combat knife made from 15 shark teeth to attack the opponent's pelvis. In New Guinea and Micronesia, shark teeth are used as spears, knives, and clubs. Meanwhile, in the community of the Republic of Kiribati, shark teeth are used as daggers, swords, or spears. These weapons are used in fights and cause fatal consequences when they hit the opponent. Even in Maya and Mexico archaeology, shark teeth are used for bloodshed rituals.

Because of that, the research team stated that the shark tooth artifact found in Sulawesi is not just an ordinary knife. The object is likely to have been used as a ritual tool or in conflicts.

The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years
The Oldest Shark Tooth Artifact in the World Found in Indonesia, Already Used as a Ritual Knife for 7,000 Years

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The shark's teeth now serve as the first evidence that special weaponry in the Asia-Pacific region has emerged much earlier."

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