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Tak Seperti yang Dibayangkan, Orang Amerika Pertama Justru Berasal dari Wilayah Ini

"Not as Imagined, the First American People Actually Come from This Region"

Dream - For several decades, people have believed that the first humans arrived in America by crossing the Bering Land Bridge about 13,000 years ago. Genetic studies indicate that the first people to arrive in America originated from a mixture of ancient Northern Siberian and East Asian ancestral groups around 20,000 to 23,000 years ago.

"They crossed the Bering Land Bridge during that period until 15,500 years ago."

say David Meltzer, an archaeologist and professor of prehistory in the Department of Anthropology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, and author of the book "First Peoples in a New World, 2nd Edition" (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Tak Seperti yang Dibayangkan, Orang Amerika Pertama Justru Berasal dari Wilayah Ini

However, several archaeological sites indicate that humans may have reached America long before that time.

"Found Clovis People's Stone Spearhead"

According to Live Science, in the 1920s and 1930s, Western archaeologists discovered stone spearheads shaped like leaf with sharp tips near Clovis, New Mexico. The spearheads are believed to have been made by people now referred to as the "Clovis people". Based on the analysis in 2020 of bones, charcoal, and plant remains found at the Clovis site, they lived in North America between 13,000 and 12,700 years ago.

Tak Seperti yang Dibayangkan, Orang Amerika Pertama Justru Berasal dari Wilayah Ini

At that time, it was believed that Clovis people traveled across Beringia and then moved through ice-free corridors, or gaps between continental ice sheets in parts of Alaska and Canada.

"After they emerged, they quickly spread throughout America, carrying stone tools known as Clovis spear points."

tutur Davis, who leads the excavation at the ancient North American site in Cooper's Ferry, Idaho.


Besides, the spear is likely they use for hunting megafauna, such as mammoths and bison, as well as smaller game.

Tak Seperti yang Dibayangkan, Orang Amerika Pertama Justru Berasal dari Wilayah Ini
Situs Monte Verde II

Website Monte Verde II

In 1976, researchers also discovered the Monte Verde II site in southern Chile. At that site, according to radiocarbon dating, it indicated the age of the arrival of the first Americans to be around 14,550 years ago.

"Footprints of Humans Found"

Then, in the year 2021, scientists discovered human footprints that are much older in White Sands National Park, New Mexico, which may date back to 21,000 to 23,000 years ago.

Tak Seperti yang Dibayangkan, Orang Amerika Pertama Justru Berasal dari Wilayah Ini

This means that humans arrived in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), which occurred between approximately 26,500 and 19,000 years ago, when ice sheets covered most of the areas that now make up Alaska, Canada, and northern parts of the United States.

Tak Seperti yang Dibayangkan, Orang Amerika Pertama Justru Berasal dari Wilayah Ini

"Other Websites"

There are still many sites that break the notion that the first humans arrived in America around 13,000 years ago. Paisley Cave in Oregon contains human coprolites, or fossilized feces, dating back around 14,500 years. Page-Ladson, a pre-Clovis site in Florida with stone tools and mastodon bones, dates back around 14,550 years. Lastly, Cooper's Ferry, a site that includes stone tools, animal bones, and charcoal, dates back around 16,000 years. Report: Halwa Nadiyah Rosadi

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