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Heboh Penemuan Gerbang ke Kota Kuno Berusia 5.500 Tahun di Bawah Pabrik

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Heboh Penemuan Gerbang ke Kota Kuno Berusia 5.500 Tahun di Bawah Pabrik" translates to: "Excitement Over Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gateway to an Ancient City Beneath a Factory"

Sensation of Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gate beneath a Factory

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The archaeologists have discovered the oldest known gate in Israel. A magnificent 5,500-year-old stone and mud brick passage leading to the ancient city of Tel Erani. This discovery occurred during the preparation process for the construction of a large water pipe."

According to information from the IFL Science website, before this discovery, the recorded ancient city gate was in Tel Arad, Israel, estimated to be about 300 years younger than the newly discovered gate.

The ancient city of Tel Erani is one of the first examples of urbanization in Israel. With an area of approximately 150,000 square meters or 37 hectares, this city began to be inhabited in the early Bronze Age, around 3,300 BC, and was abandoned at the end of that period, around 2,500 BC.

Sensation of Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gate beneath a Factory
Sensation of Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gate beneath a Factory

Since the 1950s, the Tel Erani region has been excavated. This city has survived for centuries, reaching its peak in the Early Bronze Age (3,330-3,050 BC).

Although so, Tel Erani, like many other cities, was destroyed around the 6th century BC. Most likely due to the invasion of the Babylonian people who could destroy Jerusalem at the same time.

Sensation of Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gate beneath a Factory

"As the oldest gate ever found in Israel, researchers concluded that bustling city centers likely emerged earlier in this region than previously estimated. \u201cThis is the first time a large gate dating back to the Early Bronze Age has been discovered,\u201d said Dr. Emily Bischoff, the excavation director from the IAA."

"To build gates and fortress walls, stones must be brought from afar, mud bricks must be made, and fortress walls must be built. This is also not achieved by one or a few individuals," continued Dr. Emily Bischoff."

Sensation of Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gate beneath a Factory
Sensation of Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gate beneath a Factory

Dr. Martin-David Pasternak, an archaeologist from IAA, stated that it is highly likely that all individuals, whether traders or enemies, who want to enter the city must pass through this impressive gate.

The gateway not only protects the settlement, but also conveys the message that someone is entering a strong and well-organized settlement politically, socially, and economically.

Sensation of Discovery of a 5,500-Year-Old Gate beneath a Factory
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