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"Mysterious and Scaly Fossil Discovery, Thought to be a Snake Turns Out Not to Be!"

Penemuan Fosil Misterius dan Penuh Sisik, Dikira Ular Ternyata Bukan!

A fossil hunter named Tristen Klavenga, while walking along a local river in Birmingham, Alabama, found a stone on the riverbank that appeared to be covered in scales.

Initially, Klavenga believed that the object was possibly a type of palm or prehistoric tree. However, after a thorough examination, he was convinced that it was actually a fossilized fish scale due to its clear scale structure. Klavenga reported his findings to Newsweek.

Penemuan Fosil Misterius dan Penuh Sisik, Dikira Ular Ternyata Bukan!

"I have visited this place hundreds of times but never saw the fossil until that moment," "With the rain we have experienced this season, I think it uncovered the mud and bedrock, revealing the fossil," said Klavenga to Newsweek."

Source: Newsweek

Penemuan Fosil Misterius dan Penuh Sisik, Dikira Ular Ternyata Bukan!

Klavenga posted the image on the social media platform Reddit with the hope of getting views and comments from social media users about his discovery.

A number of users recognize the scaly rock as Lepidodendron, a type of plant that has become extinct or developed on Earth around 300 million years ago. Lepidodendron fossils can be found across continents because America, Africa, and Europe were united in a "supercontinent" called Pangaea at that time.

Penemuan Fosil Misterius dan Penuh Sisik, Dikira Ular Ternyata Bukan!

The translation of the 'Bahasa' text "Tumbuhan\u00a0Lepidodendron." to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Plant\u00a0Lepidodendron."

According to the National Park Service, Lepidodendron, also known as the "Scale Tree," reaches a height of about 100 feet and a width of 7 feet. The plant grows vertically with a long, unbranched trunk, and at the tip of its growth, there is a cluster of needle-like leaves. During its growth, the plant will shed leaves from older parts of the trunk, leaving behind distinctive scale-like scars where the leaves previously grew.

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Leonardo da Vinci Prediksi Kiamat Akan Terjadi 2000 Tahun Lagi Lewat Kode dalam Lukisan

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