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"What Happens If Earth's Magnet Reverses?"

"If there is a shift in the Earth's axis, the riskier event would be the occurrence of Earth's magnetic reversal."

The presence of Earth's magnetic field has a significant impact on human survival. Therefore, if there is a sudden change in the position of the magnetic field, will it have fatal consequences for human life?

The researchers have observed and studied the position of magnetic poles for centuries, and have found that these poles undergo changes in their geometry within the magnetic field.

Apa yang Terjadi Jika Magnet Bumi Terbalik?

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: Explanation is delivered by a physicist who specializes in studying the interaction between planets and space. He explains that small changes in the position of the north magnetic pole are not a serious problem. However, problems arise if a pole inversion occurs, as this can have an impact on the climate and technology on Earth.

"Magnetic Field Movement"

The Earth's magnetic field consists of two types, where both experience different movements, similar to rotation and direction like a toy magnet with north and south poles.


If there is a small change in the magnetic field, it can cause a significant progressive change over time, even potentially resulting in a reversal of the magnetic field direction from south to north or vice versa.

Apa yang Terjadi Jika Magnet Bumi Terbalik?

"Medan Magnet Sebagai Pelindung Bumi" translates to "Magnetic Field as Earth's Protector" in English.

If the position of the magnetic field changes, its function as a protector of Earth from solar wind will be disrupted. This condition is because the Magnetosphere is related to the flow of gas from the sun.


Based on the explanation from Science Alert, the Magnetosphere works together with the ionosphere to protect the Earth from potential coronal mass ejections that can cause geomagnetic storms. If a geomagnetic storm occurs due to the inversion of the Magnetosphere, it can result in harmful radiation for satellites and astronauts, as well as damage to conducting systems such as pipes and large electrical currents.

"Medan Magnet Bergeser Ratusan Kilometer" translates to "Magnetic Field Shifts Hundreds of Kilometers" in English.

After realizing the gradual shift in the magnetic field, scientists then conducted a re-study to understand its existence from the initial position until now.


After conducting research, it was found that the North Pole has shifted as far as 965 kilometers (600 miles) since 1831. This change indicates an increased migration speed from 10 miles per year to 34 miles per year. This investigation has raised the hypothesis that the Earth's magnetic field may be undergoing changes, although scientists have not been able to confirm it because the available data only covers a period of less than 200 years.

Relatif Singkat

"Relatif Singkat" translates to "Relatively Short" in English.

Although for humans 200 years may feel long, but in geological scale, this is considered as a relatively short time.

"Not sure when the change of magnetic field occurs"

"However, researchers have not been able to determine exactly when the magnetic field changes occur. Nevertheless, they have warned that this event can have wide-ranging impacts, including its potential influence on ozone concentration in the atmosphere."

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