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Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta<br>

This is the appearance of a corruption-free country, Free Education and Healthcare, Garbage Collectors Paid Rp900 Million.

Dream - Corruption is the common enemy of every country. Not only does it hinder the development of a nation, but corruption also deprives the people of their rights that should be fulfilled by the government.

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

However, there are also many countries that have low levels of corruption. This makes their citizens live prosperous lives with various easily accessible public services.

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta
Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

One of the countries with the lowest level of corruption in the world is Denmark. The people of Denmark live prosperous lives because their government does not engage in corruption, allowing them to provide high-quality public services.

The portrait of Denmark was shared by a man named Jerhemy Owen on his Instagram @jerhemynemo. In his video, he explains that almost all facilities in Denmark are free of charge.

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

The prosperous condition of Denmark becomes a representation when Indonesia is free from corruption. "Almost everything is free here, dude. This is roughly the image of Indonesia without corruption," said Jerhemy.

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

Jerhemy learned about the lives of the people of Denmark from a local resident. According to the person's testimony, the residents there do not need to spend money because public facilities such as education and healthcare are provided for free by the government. "So, as a Danish citizen, he told me that education there is completely free, starting from kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, and even university campuses are provided for free. Not to mention the healthcare facilities from doctors, hospitals, and even the cost of medication is covered by the government," explained Jerhemy.

"Not only that, facilities such as public transportation in Denmark are also very good and clean."

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta
Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

Jerhemy also revealed interesting things when he was in Denmark. The man explained that he had never seen poor people in that country.

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

This is because Danish citizens have high incomes. Even garbage collectors in the country earn a salary of Rp900 million per year.

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

Jerhemy explained that taxes in Denmark are very high, reaching 40%. However, the government does not engage in corruption and has successfully managed these taxes well, allowing Danish citizens to live prosperous lives.

"During my time in Denmark, I have never seen any poor people at all, all of this can happen because there is no corruption. Danish taxes are high, up to 40%, but the people here trust their officials and the government proves it by providing all these best facilities to the society."

"Jerhemy said."

Begini Penampakan Negara Tanpa Korupsi, Sekolah dan Kesehatan Gratis, Tukang Sampah Digaji Rp900 Juta

The condition of prosperous Danish citizens reminds Jerhemy of Indonesia. According to him, Indonesia can become like Denmark when the government does not engage in corruption and prioritizes the needs of the people so that the citizens can live prosperously.

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