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"Behind the Dashing Appearance of Ganjar in the Presidential Debate, There is the Unending Prayer of His Wife"

Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife

Dream – Behind the success of a husband, there is a great wife. That's what accurately describes Ganjar Pranowo's performance in the presidential candidate debate on Sunday night, January 7, 2024.

In the third debate last night, candidate number 3 appeared assertive. True to his motto, "sat set," Ganjar spoke clearly. All of his arguments were based on data that his rival on stage could not refute.

Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife
Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife

Ganjar is certainly not alone. His excellent ability on the debate stage is certainly supported by a solid team. In addition, Ganjar is also fully supported by a family who never wavers in giving their best encouragement and prayers.

Please note that I am unable to preserve the HTML tags in the translation. Here is the translation of the given Bahasa text to English: "Watch the video below. In a viral recording after last night's presidential debate, it can be seen outside the stage that Siti Atiqoh Supriyanti is devoutly praying. She continues to elevate prayers for the smoothness of her husband, Ganjar Pranowo, in the debate."

Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife
Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife

"Behind her husband's podium, Atiqoh sat in the row of Ganjar-Mahfud MD team, just like the Ganjar-Mahfud couple. Atiqoh also wore a Top Gun-style bomber jacket. She wore a black hijab."

In the midst of the debate, Atiqoh lowered her head. Her lips continued to murmur, sending prayers for the smoothness of her husband's debate with the other two presidential candidates, Anies Baswedan and Prabowo Subianto. "Prayer support from a wife, Siti Atiqoh Supriyanti," wrote the X PakarINTELek account that uploaded the video.

Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife

Support from Siti Atiqoh for Ganjar is also seen on Instagram. She uploaded several photos during the debate at Istora Senayan. In one of the posts, she is seen taking a photo together with Ganjar, Mahfud MD, who is also accompanied by his wife, Zaizatun Nihayati. They raise three fingers, the symbol of Ganjar-Mahfud's ballot number.

"Presidential debate tonight. Stay motivated! Best prayers. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Obey God. Observe the Law. Loyal to the People."

write siti Atiqoh on that post.

In another post, Siti Atiqoh is seen taking a photo together with Ganjar and their child, Alam Ganjar. In the first slide, Siti Atiqoh tightly embraces her husband.

Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife
Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife

In the second photo, Siti Atiqoh is in the middle, flanked by her husband and child. They are smiling widely. They truly look joyful and enthusiastic in that photo.

In the last photo, Siti Atiqoh is still sandwiched between Ganjar and Alam. Still with a smile, she raises three fingers in front of the camera. Meanwhile, Alam pays respect with three fingers. Ganjar smiles at the camera.

Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife
Behind Ganjar's Resilient Appearance in the Presidential Debate, There is a Never-ending Prayer from His Wife

"Alhamdulillah, the presidential debate last night went smoothly. Mas @ganjar_pranowo talked a lot about data. Sat set. Tas tes. As usual," wrote Siti Atiqoh."

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