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Manfaat dan Bacaan Doa Sebelum Sahur Serta Batas Waktu Imsak 

Benefits and Prayer Readings Before Sahur and Imsak Time Limit

This prayer is recited after finishing the pre-dawn meal until the beginning of dawn.

Benefits and Prayer Before Sahur and the Time Limit for Imsak

Dream - Reading prayers before dawn is a recommended practice. Those who engage in this practice will be rewarded, while those who neglect it will not be held accountable. In addition to the prayer before dawn, it is also encouraged to recite the intention before fasting. The intention for dawn meal is a pillar that constitutes worship from this practice.

The intention of reading the pre-dawn meal prayer is to seek blessings from the acts of worship that will be performed. In addition to providing nourishment to be able to carry out activities in the morning, the virtue of the pre-dawn meal also brings benefits both externally and internally. So what are the recitations of the prayer and the virtues of the pre-dawn meal for Muslims?

Benefits and Prayer Before Sahur and the Time Limit for Imsak
1.	Doa Makan Sahur

1. Sahur Prayer

"يَرْحَمُ اللَّهُ المُتَسَحِّرِينَ
Artinya: Semoga Allah menurunkan Rahmat-Nya bagi mereka yang bersahur."

2. Sahur Time Limit

2. Sahur Time Limit

The Chairman of the Fatwa Division of the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI), Asrorun Niam, explained about the deadline for sahur. The imsak time used in Indonesia is a precautionary measure to ensure that fasting is not invalidated when the dawn call to prayer is heard. Typically, imsak time is 10 minutes before the dawn call to prayer.

3. Benefits of Sahur

There are several benefits of sahur that you can experience, especially for health. Here are the benefits that you need to know:

3. Benefits of Sahur

"Preparing the Body for Fasting"

Sahur is useful to prevent the body from experiencing extreme hunger. The fat obtained from sahur food is useful to be stored as reserves that are burned into energy for the body.

"Generating Energy to be Active  "

You who are fasting must consider sahur as lunchtime. This is because sahur is equally important as having lunch in general.

Mencegah Hipoglikemia  

"Preventing Hypoglycemia  "

During sahur is an opportunity to fill the body with energy. In order for the body to function, every cell in the body will need energy. One of them comes from blood glucose. Without any food intake for a long period of time, blood sugar will be used by cells as an alternative energy source.

"Preventing Dehydration  "

When fasting, it is very important to maintain adequate body fluid intake. Every day, the body will need around 2 liters of water. From breaking the fast until dawn, Sahur is one of the times to fulfill that fluid requirement.

That is the prayer reading for sahur that you can read before starting the fasting worship. Sahur itself has various virtues, one of which is a form of Allah's love and affection for His people. One of the purposes of sahur is to increase stamina so that you can endure fasting afterwards.

Benefits and Prayer Before Sahur and the Time Limit for Imsak
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