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BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival Combines Unique Experiences for Dream Wedding Inspiration and Ideal Residence.

BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival Combines Unique Experiences for Dream Wedding Inspiration and Ideal Residence.

BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival Title, BTN Targets Rp500 Billion Mortgage from Newlyweds

Dream - There is a unique exhibition being held at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) from 24-26 November 2023. Targeting two segments at once, BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival: Wedding & Housing Expo is organizing the largest and most comprehensive wedding and housing exhibition in Indonesia.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Event hasil kerja sama Dyandra Promosindo dan Weddingku Group dengan dukungan Bank BTN ini memang sengaja diusung penyelenggara JWF dengan konsep berbeda. Perhelatan yang membawa tema "Reflection" ini menggabungkan vendor pernikahan dengan pengembang perumahan dalam satu event. Para calon pengantin atau pasangan kekasih yang datang tak hanya mendapatkan referensi acara pernikahan, tapi juga bisa bekonsultasi soal rumah masa depan yang akan mereka tempati bersama." The event, a result of collaboration between Dyandra Promosindo and Weddingku Group with the support of Bank BTN, is intentionally organized by JWF with a different concept. This celebration, with the theme "Reflection," combines wedding vendors with housing developers in one event. The prospective bride and groom or couples who attend not only get references for wedding events but also have the opportunity to consult about the future home they will live in together.

"Now let's try to combine properties and wedding because people who come to the wedding will definitely need a house."

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "stated by the Director of Consumer Bank BTN Hirwandi Gafar during the Press Conference BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival 2023 on Friday, 24 November 2023 in Jakarta."

combine antara properti dan wedding kerena orang yang datang ke wedding itu pasti akan butuh rumah,"" loading="lazy">

Hiwandi believes that marriage is a sacred moment for a couple. All the necessary preparations must be made carefully to ensure a smooth reception. However, behind that, newlyweds certainly need a suitable home for them to live in together after getting married.

BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival Title, BTN Targets Rp500 Billion Mortgage from Newlyweds

"To advance to the stage of marriage, many things need to be prepared, one of which is a suitable house or dwelling for newlyweds. The BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival tries to bridge the needs of couples who want to get married and have their dream home,""

It is not possible to provide an accurate translation without the complete text. However, the word "jelasnya" in Bahasa can be translated to "clearly" in English.

BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival Title, BTN Targets Rp500 Billion Mortgage from Newlyweds

Hirwandi said, every year there are around 800 thousand to 1.2 million new marriage numbers in Indonesia. This phenomenon is the potential housing business for Bank BTN. He also believes that many parents suggest their sons and daughters to own a house before getting married.

"The important thing in this event is that we (can disburse) up to Rp500 billion as the target, for the mortgage only."


BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival Title, BTN Targets Rp500 Billion Mortgage from Newlyweds

The presence of Bank BTN in this event is expected to help couples who are preparing their dream home with light installments and a long-term period. BTN will strive to assist newlyweds in discussing and providing solutions while explaining housing financing in the form of a Home Ownership Loan (KPR). "This special KPR, in addition to the interest rate, has a faster process. We are here for 3 days so that we can interact directly, process directly, and decide directly," added Hirwandi.

BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival Title, BTN Targets Rp500 Billion Mortgage from Newlyweds

Meanwhile, the BTN Jakarta Wedding Festival also involves the presence of around 25 selected housing developer exhibitors. They also take part in this event to provide a variety of options for prospective brides and grooms in searching for their dream homes. Report: Halwa Nadiyah Rosadi

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