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5 Hari Lagi Nikah, Pria Ini Syok Baru Tahu Calon Istri Hamil Anak Mantan Pacar<br>

"5 Days Left Until Marriage, This Man Is Shocked to Find Out That His Future Wife Is Pregnant with Her Ex's Child"

5 Hari Lagi Nikah, Pria Ini Syok Baru Tahu Calon Istri Hamil Anak Mantan Pacar

Dream - Every couple certainly wants their wedding day to go smoothly and perfectly. All preparations are done to the maximum to ensure that the wedding is held according to their wishes.

5 Hari Lagi Nikah, Pria Ini Syok Baru Tahu Calon Istri Hamil Anak Mantan Pacar

However, sometimes unexpected things arise approaching the wedding day. This makes someone overwhelmed with dilemmas in facing their upcoming wedding day.

Just like the experience of this groom-to-be from Malaysia. The man, whose name was not mentioned, was confused facing a problem just 5 days before his wedding because it turned out that his future wife was pregnant with her ex-boyfriend.

5 Hari Lagi Nikah, Pria Ini Syok Baru Tahu Calon Istri Hamil Anak Mantan Pacar

"My wedding is only five days away, but the problem is my partner is already one month pregnant even though I have never touched her. My fiancé told me that she accidentally got pregnant with her ex-boyfriend.""

"ungkap sang pria dilansir dari MStar" translates to "revealed the man cited from MStar" in English.

5 Hari Lagi Nikah, Pria Ini Syok Baru Tahu Calon Istri Hamil Anak Mantan Pacar

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The man and his fiancée have just started a relationship, so they don't know each other very well yet. However, the man's family wants their son not to date for too long, so they are planning to get married directly."

"Kami tunangan baru-baru ini, itu pun atas saran orang tua dan saudara-saudara saya,"
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "the word of the man."


When he heard the news of his fiancée's pregnancy, he became very dilemma whether to proceed with the marriage or cancel it. Moreover, all preparations such as catering, invitations, and dowry money for the bride's family have been done.

5 Hari Lagi Nikah, Pria Ini Syok Baru Tahu Calon Istri Hamil Anak Mantan Pacar

"Katering semua sudah dibayar, duit seserahan Rp66 juta juga sudah diserahkan sepenuhnya. Kalau saya batalkan, apa yang akan dikatakan orang-orang," "The catering has all been paid for, and the dowry of Rp66 million has also been fully handed over. If I cancel, what will people say?"
"ujar sang pria." translates to "said the man."


The man also thinks about the fate of his parents who will be ashamed if his marriage is canceled. That is why he is increasingly confused to decide whether to continue the marriage or cancel it.

5 Hari Lagi Nikah, Pria Ini Syok Baru Tahu Calon Istri Hamil Anak Mantan Pacar

"Where do my parents want to place their faces?. My fiance is gloomy every day, I'm confused,"
say the man. Report: Yulia Putri

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