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"Mushrooms Aged 407 Million Years Ago Claimed as the Cause of the First Disease in the World"

Jamur Berusia 407 Juta Tahun Lalu Diklaim Sebagai Penyebab Penyakit Pertama di Dunia

The London Museum of Natural History announced the discovery of a fossil recognized as the oldest variety of fungus that causes diseases in the world.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The 407 million-year-old fungus is known as Potteromyces asteroxylicola. Its name is given as a tribute to Beatrix Potter, a renowned author through her work "Tales of Peter Rabbit" and also a mushroom enthusiast."

Jamur Berusia 407 Juta Tahun Lalu Diklaim Sebagai Penyebab Penyakit Pertama di Dunia

The research published in Nature Communications entitled "A fungal plant pathogen discovered in the Devonian Rhynie Chert" shows Potter's role as a pioneer in mycology and provides information about his early images and research on fungal growth.

Source: WION

Jamur Berusia 407 Juta Tahun Lalu Diklaim Sebagai Penyebab Penyakit Pertama di Dunia

Potteromyces is found in fossil samples that originate from Rhynie Chert, a highly important geological site in Scotland. This location is renowned for preserving well-preserved plant and animal communities from the early Devonian period, including fungi and bacteria.

Through collaboration with mycology experts at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, this research reveals historical evidence of the existence of fungi that can cause diseases, similar to those infecting oak trees in England.

Jamur Berusia 407 Juta Tahun Lalu Diklaim Sebagai Penyebab Penyakit Pertama di Dunia

"Although other fungal parasites have been found in this area before, this is the first case of a plant disease-causing agent. Moreover, Potteromyces can cause diseases in plants, providing valuable insights into the evolution of different fungal groups, such as Ascomycota, the largest phylum of fungi."
Dr. Christine Strullu-Derrien, scientist at the Museum of Natural History.

Source: WION

Jamur Berusia 407 Juta Tahun Lalu Diklaim Sebagai Penyebab Penyakit Pertama di Dunia

According to Christine, giving this important species the name as a tribute to Beatrix Potter seems like a fitting way to honor her incredible contributions and perseverance in unraveling the mysteries of the fungal world.

"Origin of Potteromyces."

"In 2015, Christine discovered the first example of Potteromyces. The fungus's reproductive structure, called a conidiophore, had a shape and formation that had never been seen before. The second specimen showing these characteristics of the fungus was found in the collection of the National Museum of Scotland on another slide of Rhynie Chert."

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