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Nyesek Banget! <br>Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang <br>

Nyesek Banget! Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang Translation: So Sad! The graduate has already worn the chosen kebaya, but on the day, her beloved didn't come.

Dream - Graduation is the most awaited moment for every final year student. Graduation marks the completion of someone's educational responsibilities in an institution. No wonder if the graduates will prepare for the graduation in such a way that it becomes memorable. Starting from new clothes, make-up, and even a photographer to capture the event. Not only that, the graduation moment is usually attended by close people to give congratulations and support.

Similar preparations were made by graduate Risma. Unfortunately, she had to swallow disappointment because her lover did not come at that important moment. She immediately told the incident, which is usually called Ima, on her Tiktok account @99ohiya.

Nyesek Banget!  Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang
Nyesek Banget!  Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang

In the video, Ima shares her conversation with her sweetheart. She asks for advice on a nice outfit to wear for graduation.

The man also chose a gray kebaya and sandals for Ima to wear during graduation. When the graduation day arrived, Ima wore the outfit that had been chosen by her boyfriend.

Nyesek Banget!  Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang

The woman waited for her boyfriend to arrive while taking photos first to capture her happiness. She also received a bouquet of flowers from her friend.

Nyesek Banget!  Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang
Nyesek Banget!  Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang

However, the long-awaited lover still did not appear. Even until the event ended, the man did not show any signs of his arrival at Ima's graduation. "From morning until the event ended, I didn't see him at my graduation," said Ima.

Nyesek Banget!  Wisudawati Sudah Pakai Kebaya Sesuai Pilihan, Pas Hari-H Sang Kekasih Malah Tak Datang

That made Ima feel sad and disappointed. The lover apologized to her through a message because he couldn't attend the happy event. "I'm sorry, Ima, for not keeping my words," said the man.


Feeling disappointed, Ima also blocked contact with her lover without saying much. Currently, it is known that her relationship with her boyfriend has ended.


The shared video by Ima on her TikTok has gone viral. Many netizens have commented on the video. "It's true, we shouldn't expect anything from anyone," wrote the account @hhhaaa45_. "I was also sad when she didn't come to my graduation. Until now, whenever I remember, it hurts," wrote the account @user_I1485. "Stay strong, the sadness spreads even from a distance," wrote the account @blvnylroses_. Report: Yulia Putri Source: Tiktok

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