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"Not Only Giraffes, Here Are 11 Animals with Long Necks"

All animals on earth have evolved to survive as best as possible in their respective habitats. Some have developed long legs and fast muscles that give them super speed. And there are also those that have long necks like giraffes. So, which other animal has a long neck, besides giraffes?

1. Kura-kura Leher Ular Timur

1. Eastern Snake-necked Turtle

Even though this Eastern snake-necked turtle may not be the largest among turtles, its neck is proportionally very impressive.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The shell of this snake-necked turtle is only about 11 inches long, but its neck can reach 60% or more of that length."

This species of Eastern Australia is included in the group of side-necked turtles. This animal bends its head sideways into its shell instead of pulling it directly backwards like other turtle species.

2. Gerenuk

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: The name "gerenuk" comes from the Somali word meaning "giraffe neck". This animal originates from East Africa. It has a long neck resembling a giraffe, which can reach a length of 1.5-2 feet.

2. Gerenuk

This animal only has a height of about 4.5-5 feet.

Gerenuk is highly adaptive and can be found in various habitats, including sandy hills, savannahs, deserts, and grasslands. They can stand and even walk on their hind legs for short distances. This allows them to reach higher food in bushes and trees.

3. Burung Angsa Trompet

3. Trumpet Swan

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The trumpeter swan is the largest species of waterfowl and the largest flying bird in North America."

With a wingspan of about 5-6 feet, this bird can have a weight of up to 35 pounds.
With a length of up to 6 feet and a height of 4 feet, the neck of a trumpeter swan can reach 2 feet. They have more neck vertebrae than most mammals, with 24-25 vertebrae.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Trumpeter swans mate for life, which can last very long and can live up to 25 years."


4. Jabiru

Although they can be found throughout Central America and Northern South America, jabiru is most common in the marshy regions of Paraguay and Brazil.

4. Jabiru

Habitat Jabiru

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

Heron with long legs prefers watery areas such as swamps, marshes, riverbanks, estuaries, or lakes. The jabiru is a distinctive bird with black legs, white body, and black head and neck with a bright red band at the base of the neck. Standing at a height of 5 feet, the jabiru's long neck can reach a length of 2 feet.

5. Alpaka

5. Alpaca

Originating from South America, alpaca is a domesticated version of vicuña. Weighing between 100-190 pounds, alpaca is smaller than llamas, which are often mistaken for it.

Alpacas typically have a height of around 4-5 feet, with a neck length of 2 feet. Males (called machos) are usually larger than females (hembras). Alpacas are often used for their wool, which is fire-resistant and practically water-resistant. Thanks to their friendly and affectionate nature, alpacas are now used as therapy animals and are increasingly popular as pets.

6. Emu

As a smaller cousin of the ostrich, the emu is the second largest bird in terms of height. Emu originates from Australia.

6. Emu

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is: "Birds of this species can reach a height of 6 feet, with a neck measuring 2-2.5 feet long. It is not difficult to determine why they cannot fly: their wings are only 8 inches long! Besides having an impressive neck, emus are also very fast. They can reach speeds of up to 31 miles per hour. Unlike flying birds, male emus incubate eggs for a period of 56 days."

7. Flamingo

7. Flamingo

The iconic Flamingo is known for its distinctive pink color, long legs, and a neck that measures 2-2.5 feet.

With a height of 4-5 feet, the long S-shaped neck of a flamingo allows them to easily bend over to eat shrimp, algae, small crustaceans, and other food.

Because their necks have 19 cervical vertebrae (compared to seven cervical vertebrae in humans), flamingos have flexible necks. They can rotate and bend their necks backwards over their heads to clean themselves.


8. Anhinga

Anhinga is dubbed as the "snake bird" and it's not difficult to see why. The neck of the anhinga, which reaches a length of 2-3 feet, is almost twice as long as its total length.

8. Anhinga

Anhinga carries their neck in an S-shaped position, which makes it difficult to see how long their neck actually is.

Another reason anhingas are called "snake birds" is because they are known for their ability to hunt snakes. Native to South America and the coastal regions of Central America, these birds resemble seagulls. Anhingas are also referred to as "water turkeys" because of their turkey-like tails.

9. Ilama

9. Ilama

"Greater than alpaca and vicuña, llamas can reach a height of 6 feet. Weighing between 300-440 pounds, llamas have a neck length of 2-3 feet."

Originating from the Andes Mountains, South America

llamas have been domesticated for use as meat, wool, and pack animals since pre-Columbian times. Native to the Andes Mountains in South America, llamas are social animals that live in herds. Although llamas have a reputation for being stubborn or prone to defiance, they are generally peaceful creatures.

10. Ostrich

The largest bird in the world, reaching a height of 9 feet, the heaviest recorded ostrich weighed 440 pounds (although wild ostriches typically weigh between 150-320 pounds).

10. Ostrich

"Different from flying birds that have hollow bones, flightless ostriches have solid bones. Despite their size, these birds are fast and can run up to 40 miles per hour, making them the fastest running birds in the world. It is truly an amazing sight to see these large birds with their 3-3.5 feet long necks running swiftly in their African homeland!"

11. Unta Dromedary

11. Camel Dromedary

Different from their relatives, the Bactrian camels, which live in the Gobi Desert in northern China and Mongolia, the original dromedary camels come from North Africa and the Middle East.

While Bactrian camels have two humps, dromedary camels are distinctive with only one. They are also larger than Bactrian camels, weighing 900-1,100 pounds and reaching a height of 11 feet with a neck reaching 5-6 feet. Also known as Arabian camels, these even-toed ungulates can live for 40-50 years and are capable of drinking 30 gallons of water in 10 minutes.

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