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The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows:

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Ketum PBNU Sindir Balik Cak Imin: yang Meragukan NU-nya Khohifah Malah Enggak Pernah Jadi Pengurus" "Chairman of PBNU (Indonesian Ulema Council) Mocks Back Cak Imin: Those who Doubt Khohifah's NU Have Never Been Administrators"

Chairman of PBNU Mocks Back Cak Imin: Those Who Doubt NU's Khofifah Have Never Been Officials

Dream - Chairman of the Central Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya spoke out regarding the statement of Vice Presidential candidate number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin), who doubted the NU-ism of Khofifah Indar Parawansa because she supports Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 Presidential Election.

"Well, when the situation is like this, people usually say 'sak nemu-nemune' (when they meet each other, they talk about it).""
"According to Gus Yahya, quoted from, Tuesday, January 16, 2024."

"" (in Bahasa)

According to him, those who doubt Khofifah should instead question their loyalty to NU. Because Khofifah has been the Chairman of PP Muslimat NU for four periods. Meanwhile, it is known that Cak Imin has never been a member of the organization. "What else can be said, bu Khofifah's loyalty to NU is being doubted. Those who doubt her loyalty to NU, they have never been a member of NU, that's unfortunate," he said.

Chairman of PBNU Mocks Back Cak Imin: Those Who Doubt NU's Khofifah Have Never Been Officials

"He advised that anyone who becomes an official member of the successful team must be required to be inactive. Because, he does not want the successful team members to use the name NU for specific interests."

"The most important thing is, first, if he becomes an official team member, he must take a leave of absence. If he becomes a legislative candidate or any kind of candidate, he must resign and is not allowed to use NU as an institution or organization, he cannot represent NU, it is not allowed.""
"tegasnya" translates to "firmly."


Chairman of PBNU Mocks Back Cak Imin: Those Who Doubt NU's Khofifah Have Never Been Officials

It is known that Khofifah Indar Parawansa officially supports candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, in the 2024 election. In response to Khofifah's choice, Cak Imin then mentioned the NU (Nahdlatul Ulama) issue regarding the Governor of East Java.

The Chairman of PKB said that members of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) should be consistent in supporting the Anies-Muhaimin (AMIN) pair. "I believe that the people, not the elites who have NU ideology, will definitely choose AMIN. I doubt their NU-ness if they don't vote for AMIN," said Cak Imin, on Thursday, January 11, 2024.

Khofifah also responded to Cak Imin's statement, which doubted her affiliation with NU after expressing support for Prabowo-Gibran in the 2024 Presidential Election. "So if I am the General Chairperson of PP Muslimat NU, and then someone doubts my affiliation with NU, it should be turned around, so who is the one doubting," said Khofifah in Makassar, Sunday, January 14, 2024, as quoted from

Chairman of PBNU Mocks Back Cak Imin: Those Who Doubt NU's Khofifah Have Never Been Officials

Khofifah asked if those who doubted her NU-ness had ever fought for what they believed in within the NU organization. "How long did they fight within NU structurally, in what context, and so on?" Khofifah said.

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