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4 Amalan yang Ampuh Membentengi Diri dari Godaan Setan yang Terkutuk, Hidup Damai Ibadah pun Tenang

"4 Powerful Practices to Shield Oneself from the Cursed Temptations of Satan, Living in Peace and Worshiping Tranquilly"

"Dream - The devil is the greatest enemy of mankind. The existence of the devil is to disturb humans everywhere. This is certainly very dangerous for human beings because most humans cannot see the presence of the devil, while the devil can see humans. Therefore, humans need to fortify themselves to avoid the cursed disturbances of the devil wherever they may be. So, how can one fortify themselves from the disturbances of the devil?"

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The following are some ways to stay away from the temptations of the devil as summarized by Dream through various sources."

4 Amalan yang Ampuh Membentengi Diri dari Godaan Setan yang Terkutuk, Hidup Damai Ibadah pun Tenang
Tugas Setan kepada Umat Manusia

The translation of the given Bahasa text to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Devil's Task to Mankind".

"Before knowing how to defend oneself from the temptations of Satan, here are some tasks of Satan towards humanity:"

Misleading Humans: Satan tries to mislead humans from the path of truth by creating doubt, worldly temptations, and thoughts that deviate from Islamic teachings. Tempting Humans to Sin: Satan actively tries to influence humans to commit sinful and immoral acts. They tempt and seduce with false promises to make humans fall into actions forbidden by Allah.

Displaying Feelings of Envy and Hatred: Satan tries to instill feelings of envy, hatred, and animosity among humans. They want to create conflicts and disputes within society. Hindering Worship and Obedience to Allah: Satan tries to prevent humans from worshiping and obeying Allah. They use various methods to disrupt prayer, fasting, and other religious activities.

Deceiving with the Beauty of the World: Satan tries to tempt humans with the beauty of the world and worldly temptations in order to divert them from focusing on the afterlife. They make worldly life appear more attractive and tempting. Deceiving Through Whispers: Satan tries to influence humans through whispers or temptations that arise in their minds. They try to tempt humans to commit acts that are contrary to the teachings of Islam.

"How to Defend Yourself from the Temptations of Satan"

"In order to free oneself from the disturbance of demons, here are some ways to protect oneself from the temptations of demons that friends of Dream can practice:"

1. Always Read Ta'awudz

Ta'awudz is seeking protection from Allah SWT. That is by holding firmly to the religion of Allah SWT and always returning to Him. Realizing that the greatest evil is the evil of Satan. Here is the important reading of ta'awudz that Dream friends should practice at all times: أَعُوذُ ‌بِاللَّهِ ‌مِنَ ‌الشَّيْطَانِ ‌الرَّجِيمِ

It means: "I seek refuge in Allah SWT from the cursed temptations of Satan."

4 Amalan yang Ampuh Membentengi Diri dari Godaan Setan yang Terkutuk, Hidup Damai Ibadah pun Tenang

2. Reading Mu'awidzatain

"Mu'awidzatain is two forms of protection. Namely, by reciting the verses in the Al-Quran with the benefit of shielding humans when practiced. The two verses referred to are Al-Falaq and An-Nas. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "

"O Ibn 'Abbas, would you like me to show you - would you like me to inform you - primarily something that people seek protection with? Ibn Abbas said, yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: Say, 'I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak' and 'I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,' these two Surahs." (HR. An-Nasa'i)

3. Reading Ayat Kursi

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The verse of the Throne (Ayat Kursi) becomes a frequently practiced recitation among Muslims, especially to protect oneself from the temptations of Satan. This verse is found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 255. Friends of Dream who recite it in the morning and evening will receive special blessings according to the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):"

"\u201cWhoever recites it in the morning will be protected (by Allah) until evening. Whoever recites it in the evening will be protected until morning.\u201d (HR. Al-Hakim) If recited before sleep, one will receive the following special privilege according to the saying of the Prophet: \u201cWhen you are about to go to sleep, recite the Throne Verse first until the end. Indeed, you will always receive protection from Allah, and Satan will never come near you until morning.\u201d (HR. Al-Bukhari)"

Then, if you read it after performing the obligatory prayer, you will receive the following privilege according to the following hadith: "Whoever recites the Ayat al-Kursi after every prayer, nothing will prevent them from entering Paradise except death." (HR. An-Nasa'i in the book as-Sunan al-Kubra)

4. Reading Surah Al-Baqarah

Reading Surah Al-Baqarah can protect oneself from the temptations of the accursed Satan. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever recites the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah at night, then he will be granted sufficiency." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

That is some ways to stay away from the temptations of the devil. So, Dream friends can live peacefully. And of course, Dream friends can worship calmly.

4 Amalan yang Ampuh Membentengi Diri dari Godaan Setan yang Terkutuk, Hidup Damai Ibadah pun Tenang
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