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This is the proof that the camouflage of squids in the sea is so intricate and complex.

This is the proof that the camouflage of squids in the sea is so intricate and complex.

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology have studied camouflage in common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), an expert in camouflage, as a behavioral movement towards background matching in skin pattern space. Their observations show that the cuttlefish camouflage system is highly flexible and adaptable, providing new insights into this complex physiological process."

"Kamuflase Cephalopoda consists of matching the appearance of the animal with its substrate and usually contains 2D and 3D components,"
The text in 'Bahasa' translates to: "words from senior author Dr. Gilles Laurent from the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research and his colleague."

"Even though both components are technically texture in this field, the term 'texture' is often applied only to 3D features, for example due to skin papilla contraction."


"Kami mempelajari fitur 2D kamuflase dan oleh karena itu menyebutnya sebagai pola kulit dan prosesnya sebagai pencocokan pola," tambah mereka.

"Pattern matching does not consist of reproducing the actual substrate display, but rather statistical estimation that begins visually and creates the display."


"Sophisticated operations like this are naturally performed by the brains of animals that are different from us more than 550 million years ago, long before the existence of large brains." "The creation of 2D skin patterns depends on a motor system that controls the expansion state of several million pigment cells (chromatophores) embedded in the animal's skin, among other types of specialized cells.""

"Each chromatophore's expansion depends on the arrangement of radial muscles that control the size of the central pigment sac and, therefore, on the activity of one to several motoneurons, dendrites, and somata located in the central brain of the animal." "Therefore, the formation of skin patterns is generated by the precise coordination and control of tens of thousands of motoneurons by a system that interprets complex visual scenes."

Inilah Bukti Bahwa Kamuflase Cumi-Cumi di Laut Begitu Rumit dan Kompleks

The data from these maps shows that each pattern is very detailed and that the same background can produce various different results.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Blanching Process".

It was found that the pathways to camouflage involve continuous feedback loops and the final camouflage is the result of consecutive error correction steps, indicating that this process is highly adaptable and does not follow a fixed path every time. An exception to this rule is during the blanching process, a defense mechanism in which cephalopods become pale in response to threatening stimuli.

This process is observed as fast and direct, and memories of initial camouflage are expressed again once the threat is withdrawn. The results of this team provide valuable insights into how these survival mechanisms interact with each other, and how the complex process of color matching is achieved at the cellular level.

"Unlike camouflage, the blanching process is done quickly and directly, indicating that this process uses a different and repeatable control system,"

According to the colleague of the writer Dr. Dominic Evans, a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research.

“<i>Tidak seperti kamuflase, proses blanching dilakukan dengan cepat dan langsung, menunjukkan bahwa proses ini menggunakan sistem kontrol yang berbeda dan dapat diulang</i>,”

"\u201cSquids often surpass the pattern of their target skin, pause for a moment, and then return,\u201d said the first author Theodosia Woo, a graduate student at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research. \u201cIn other words, squids not only detect the background and immediately go to a specific pattern, instead, they are likely to continuously receive input about their skin pattern and use it to adjust their camouflage.\u201d

"Exactly how they perceive this feedback – whether they use their eyes, or whether they sense the contraction of muscles around each chromatophore – we do not yet know."

This study was published in the journal Nature.

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