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Bingung Tinta Pemilu Sah untuk Sholat atau Tidak? Begini Pendapat Ulama, Ada Toleransinya

Confused about whether the ink from voting is valid for prayer or not? This is the opinion of the scholars, there is tolerance.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Election ink cannot quickly disappear, so it takes time to clean it up."

Dream - After giving the right to vote in the General Election (Pemilu) 2024, voters will be asked by officials to dip one of their fingers into blue-colored ink. The ink that sticks to the finger will serve as a marker that Dream's friends have fulfilled their obligations. Generally, this ink does not immediately disappear even if it has been attempted to be cleaned with water. This condition has led some Muslims to question the validity of ablution (wudhu) performed because there is a part of their hand covered in election ink.

One of the valid requirements for performing ablution is that the skin of several parts of the body must be washed with water. One of them is both arms. To avoid confusion, here is the explanation from the scholars summarized by Dream from various sources.

Confused About Whether Election Ink on Fingers Makes Wudhu Valid or Not? Here’s What Scholars Say
Pentingnya Memperhatikan Syarat Sah Sholat

The importance of paying attention to the valid conditions of prayer.

"As Muslims, we must certainly know what the requirements are for the validity of prayer. Thus, this obligatory worship is truly valid in the eyes of Allah SWT."

One of them is important to pay attention to the cleanliness of clothing, body, and place of prayer. When there is impurity attached, it must be immediately cleaned or purified. In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said: "Allah does not accept prayer without purification." (HR. Al-Jama'ah except Bukhari and Ibn Umar RA) So, Muslims must be very careful in maintaining the purity of their bodies, clothing, and places of prayer. Because this worship is performed every day.

"Is Election Ink Impure?"

Quoted from, to determine the purity of the election ink, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory test first. This is to determine its content.

Apakah Tinta Pemilu Najis?

"If through the testing it is known that the ink contains impurities, then Sahabat Dream must purify it as much as possible. Whether by using soap, stone, or other cleansers. If the color of the ink still remains on the fingers after washing, then the status of the fingers that are exposed to the ink of the election is pure. This is explained in Fathul Jawad bi Syarhi Manzhumatil Ibnil Imad as follows:"

"(If the impurity remains on the clothes, body,) or the like, (after being washed, then consider it clean) because it is difficult. Meanwhile, rubbing and scraping are merely recommended, but some say that both are conditions. If the removal of impurities depends on potash [potassium carbonate or ash salt] and the like [such as soap, gasoline, or other sharp liquids], then it is obligatory as believed by Al-Qadhi and Al-Mutawalli."

"and quoted by An-Nawawi in Al-Majemuk and believed in Tahqiq and confirmed by him in Tanqih," (See Syekh Syihabuddin Ar-Ramli, Fathul Jawad bi Syarhi Manzhumati Ibnil Imad, [Singapore-Jeddah-Indonesia, Al-Haramain: without year notation], pages 64-65). So, if Dream's friend has made an effort to clean up the remaining ink from the election that should have been completely clean, in this case, it can be forgiven because there are difficulties in doing so."

"In addition, the Shafi'i school also argues about the criteria for 'difficult' in terms of cleaning impurities three times accompanied by cleaning them using various tools or cleaning materials. Where purifying an object that has been contaminated with impurities three times with the presence of residual impurity color, it is considered sufficient effort. If after making an effort, but there are still residual impurity colors, then it is not a problem."

The following provision is carried out if the Election ink used contains impurities. It is different if no impurities are found in the process of testing the Election ink. Therefore, it is not necessary for us to purify the remaining ink color on the finger and make efforts to remove it. Hence, friends at Dream can perform ablution and pray directly.

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