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Corruption Convict Eddy Rumpoko Buried in the Heroes' Cemetery, Here's the KPK Response

Corruption Convict Eddy Rumpoko Buried in the Heroes' Cemetery, Here's the KPK Response

"Dream - the remains of the former Mayor of Batu, East Java, Eddy Rumpoko, were buried at the Heroes' Cemetery (TMP) Suropati, Malang City, on Thursday, November 30, 2023. Eddy passed away while still serving a sentence for a corruption case. According to, the Head of Class I Semarang Prison, Usman Madjid, stated that Eddy died of heart failure while being treated at Dr. Kariadi Semarang Hospital. Eddy had been receiving medical treatment at Dr. Kariadi Hospital since Tuesday, November 28, 2023, after complaining of illness since Sunday, November 26, 2023."

Corruption Convict Eddy Rumpoko Buried in the Heroes' Cemetery, This is KPK's Response

"Eddy's burial at TMP Kota Batu has become a public spotlight and also the attention of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). KPK Deputy Chairman, Nurul Ghufron, stated that the KPK regrets the burial of the convicted corruptor Eddy Rumpoko at TMP Kota Batu."

"We regret that someone who has been declared corrupt based on a legal decision, which means they have harmed and betrayed the people and the state of Indonesia, is apparently buried in the heroes' park (TMP Kota Batu),"

"said Nurul Ghufron, quoted from Malang Network."

Corruption Convict Eddy Rumpoko Buried in the Heroes' Cemetery, This is KPK's Response

"Nurul Gufron requests that the regulations regarding who may be buried in the heroes' cemetery be reviewed. Moreover, those to be buried in the heroes' cemetery are convicted of corruption."

"In the future, we need to review the protocol for those entitled to be buried in TMP," said Nurul. "Whatever the awards, if it later proves to be corruption, all those awards should be reassessed for their eligibility and their right to be buried in TMP," he explained. According to him, this is important because it relates to the respect of the Indonesian nation for its heroes.\u00a0"

Corruption Convict Eddy Rumpoko Buried in the Heroes' Cemetery, This is KPK's Response

"Not only that, the burial of the convicted corruptor Eddy Rumpoko at TMP Kota Batu also received attention from former KPK investigator, Yudi Purnowo Harahap. Yudi stated that this could happen due to a permissive attitude towards corruption issues."

"This is clearly wrong, as it is a consequence of a permissive attitude towards corruption. We already know that the corrupt inmate is serving a prison sentence, and then dies, yet is buried in the Heroes' Cemetery."
Yudi's tweet on account X, @yudiharahap46, Monday, December 11, 2023.

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Corruption Convict Eddy Rumpoko Buried in the Heroes' Cemetery, This is KPK's Response

"Even so, he believes that it should be a lesson because it has already been buried and cannot be moved. "It has already been buried, so it cannot be moved; this is a lesson," added Yudi."

The translation of "Terpidana Korupsi" to English is "Convicted of Corruption".

"Eddy Rumpoko was ensnared in corruption cases twice. First, in 2017 he was caught in a KPK sting operation and was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison at the cassation level for proven bribery. Second, Eddy was again convicted in a corruption case and sentenced to seven years in prison by the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) at the Surabaya District Court (PN). He has been serving his sentence in Class I Semarang Prison since May 2022."

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