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Tak Hanya Datangkan Pahala, Inilah Hebatnya Sholawat yang Bisa Selamatkan Sebuah Desa dari Kekeringan

"Not Only Brings Rewards, Here's the Greatness of Sholawat that Can Save a Village from Drought"

Dream - Bersholawat is one of the recommended practices in Islam. There are many evidences that explain the specialness of bersholawat, both from the Quran and hadith. As Allah SWT said: "Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad. O you who have believed, send blessings upon him and salute him with a worthy greeting." (QS. Al-Ahzab: 56) Reading sholawat not only brings rewards, but also can erase sins and elevate the status of the companions of Dream who practice it.

Even a village was once saved by Allah SWT from drought thanks to prayers. Here is the story as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Tak Hanya Datangkan Pahala, Inilah Hebatnya Sholawat yang Bisa Selamatkan Sebuah Desa dari Kekeringan

"Hadis Keistimewaan Sholawat" translates to "Hadith on the Virtues of Salawat" in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Recommendation to recite blessings upon the Prophet certainly has its own reasons. There are many virtues behind practicing it. Not only from the Quran, but also from the sayings of the Prophet."

First Hadith: "When one of you recites a prayer, it should begin by glorifying Allah SWT and praising Him. After that, recite prayers to the Prophet. And after that, only then pray with the desired prayer." (HR. Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and Tirmidzi) Second Hadith: "Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him ten times." (HR. Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, and Nasa'i)

The third hadith states, "Whoever among your people sends blessings upon you once, Allah will write for him ten good deeds, erase from him ten bad deeds, and raise him by ten degrees, and will return to him ten degrees as well." (HR. Ahmad) The fourth hadith states, "The person who has the most right to be with me on the Day of Judgment is the one who sends the most blessings upon me." (HR. Tirmidzi)

"Sholawat Menyelamatkan Sebuah Desa" translates to "Sholawat Saves a Village" in English.

"Sholawat cannot be underestimated. This is not just a simple recitation without any benefits. However, it contains extraordinary virtues, and can even save a village from drought."

It was said by Sheikh Ali Jum'ah, an Egyptian scholar, that the reason for the scarcity of blessings in our time is the reluctance of some of us to increase prayers to Prophet Muhammad. And indeed, sending prayers to Prophet Muhammad is the source of blessings and goodness. In the past, there was a village in Morocco that experienced a disaster in the form of drought. Then, a woman came and sat around the dry well. "

Then, she prayed to Allah SWT. Suddenly, water appeared in that place. The woman was approached by Syaikh Jazuli and asked about the prayer that the woman recited. The woman said, "I do not ask for anything from Allah SWT except to send blessings to the Prophet Muhammad. The woman sat beside the well and sent blessings to the Prophet Muhammad." Allah SWT looked at the woman with a gaze of mercy until finally, He granted her prayer.

10 Keutamaan Membaca Sholawat

"10 Virtues of Reading Sholawat"

Quoted from, through the book Kifayatul Atqiya wa Minhajul Ashfiya by Sayyid Bakri bin Sayyid Muhammad Syatha Ad-Dimyathi, here are 10 virtues of reading sholawat:

"Shalatul malikil ghaffar (Mercy from Allah, the Almighty and Most Forgiving). Syafa'atun nabiyyil mukhtar (Intercession of the chosen Prophet Muhammad). Al-iqtida bil mala'ikatil abrar (Following the tradition of the righteous angels). Mukhalafatul munafiqin wal kuffar (Distinguishing oneself from hypocrites and disbelievers). Mahwul khataya wal awzar (Erasing sins and transgressions). Qadha'ul hawa'ij wal awthar (Fulfillment of needs and desires). Tanwiruz zawahir wal asrar (Illumination of the outward and inward)."

An-najatu minan nar (Safety from the hellfire). Dukhulu daril qarar (Enter into paradise). Salamul azizil jabbar (Greetings from Allah, the Most Glorious and Powerful).

Tak Hanya Datangkan Pahala, Inilah Hebatnya Sholawat yang Bisa Selamatkan Sebuah Desa dari Kekeringan
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