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Removed from the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman: This is a Very Malicious Slander.

Removed from the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman: This is a Very Malicious Slander.

Dicopot dari Ketua MK, Anwar Usman: Ini Fitnah yang Sangat Keji

"Dream - Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman considers the decision of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) as an attempt of politicization and character assassination against him."

"Indeed, I am aware and have received news of efforts to politicize and make me the subject in various Constitutional Court decisions and the latest MK decision as well as the formation of MKMK, I have heard long before MKMK was formed."
Anwar's words in the press conference at the Constitutional Court Building, Wednesday, 8 November 2023.



"Berprasangka Baik" translates to "Think Good" in English.

Although aware of the character assassination attempts against him, Anwar claimed to remain optimistic. He continued to fulfill his duties as the chairman of MK and assist MKMK.

"However, even after hearing that there was a scenario to kill off my character, I still choose to think positively because that is how a Muslim should think and behave."
"ungkapnya" in English is "he/she expressed."


Dicopot dari Ketua MK, Anwar Usman: Ini Fitnah yang Sangat Keji

"He also regrets that the ethics committee hearing of the honor council is held openly. According to him, in accordance with the rules of the Constitutional Court, the hearing should be held in closed session."

"I regret that the ethical judicial process, which should be confidential according to the MK Regulation, is being conducted openly. Normatively, this certainly violates the rules and is not in line with the establishment of the MKMK, which is intended to uphold the dignity of the MK, both individually and institutionally."
"expose it."



"Slanderous Defamation"

"Besides, he feels slandered in handling case number 90 regarding the age limit of the vice presidential candidate. 'A very vile and unfounded slander based on law and facts,' he said."

Dicopot dari Ketua MK, Anwar Usman: Ini Fitnah yang Sangat Keji

"Previously, MKMK decided that Anwar Usman was proven to have committed a serious ethical violation regarding conflicts of interest in the MK's decision that granted the issue of vice presidential age requirements."


"Remove Anwar Usman"

MKMK also dismissed Anwar Usman from the position of Chairman of the Constitutional Court. Anwar is prohibited from running for office or being nominated again as a leader of the Constitutional Court until his term as a constitutional judge ends.

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