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Reported to the KPK Ethics Council Regarding Ethical Violations in the Ministry of Agriculture Case, Alexander Marwata: I Don't Care

Reported to the KPK Ethics Council Regarding Ethical Violations in the Ministry of Agriculture Case, Alexander Marwata: I Don't Care

"Dream - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata admitted that he did not know that he was reported for alleged ethical violations regarding corruption handling at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to the KPK Supervisory Board. 'I don't know, that's why I said earlier, if I'm the one being reported, well, I've already said it, I don't really care,' said Alex, as quoted from, Friday, January 12, 2024."

"The relevance, I don't know. Is there any communication with the Ministry of Agriculture, as far as I remember, never. Because I don't have the Ministry of Agriculture's phone number."
"imbuhnya." translates to "addition."


Dilaporkan ke Dewas KPK Terkait Pelanggaran Etik Kasus Kementan, Alexander Marwata: Emang Gua Pikirin

If what is reported is related to allegations of communication between KPK leaders and the Ministry of Agriculture, according to Alex, it is a wrong address if what is reported is himself. He claims to have never communicated with the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Meaning it's not me, if it's about someone who is reported to have made contact or WhatsApp-ed, I don't have their contact at the Ministry of Agriculture."
say Alex.


However, Alex stated that he is ready to assist the KPK Supervisory Board in relation to this alleged ethical violation. Alex mentioned that he is prepared to provide clarification to the KPK Supervisory Board if his statement is needed. "Yes, as usual, just clarification. What else?" said Alex.

Board member of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Albertina Ho, revealed that there are two leaders of the KPK who have been reported to the Board in relation to a corruption case within the Ministry of Agriculture. "The two reported leaders are NG (Nurul Ghufron) and AM (Alexander Marwata)," said Albertina Ho.

Albertina hopes that the public does not immediately jump to conclusions about the complaint filed, because the complaint still needs to be clarified first. "This is just a complaint, it's just being clarified, it may not necessarily be true," she said.

Dilaporkan ke Dewas KPK Terkait Pelanggaran Etik Kasus Kementan, Alexander Marwata: Emang Gua Pikirin

"Although not explaining in detail, Albertina revealed that the complaint was made on allegations of using influence in her position."

"The reported person used their influence," said Albertina. The former judge added that the complaints received by the KPK Supervisory Board are still related to corruption cases within the Ministry of Agriculture, but it is a different case from the corruption case involving former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL)."

"Still within the scope of the Ministry of Agriculture but different, the complaint is also different."
tutur Albertina.


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