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Penemuan Gigi Berusia 300 Juta Tahun Ternyata Ungkap Spesies Hiu Purba yang Baru

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Discovery of 300 Million-Year-Old Teeth Reveals New Ancient Shark Species"

The scientific community was surprised when paleontologists discovered teeth from a 300 million-year-old prehistoric shark in Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA.

The scientific community was shocked when paleontologists discovered teeth from a 300 million-year-old ancient shark in Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA. This discovery occurred during research led by the National Park Service and NPS Paleontology Program, in collaboration with Mammoth Cave authorities.

Source: Newsweek

Discovery of 300 Million-Year-Old Teeth Reveals New Species of Ancient Shark

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: The tooth in question is part of Strigilodus tollesonae, which means "Tolleson scraping tooth" in Latin. This name is inspired by Kelli Tolleson, a guide at Mammoth Cave who was involved in this discovery.

"Gigi Strigilodus tollesonae was found in the rock layers of the St. Genevieve Formation in Mammoth Cave National Park," NPS spokesperson explained to Newsweek."
"This means it lived about 340 to 320 million years ago," he added.

Source: Newsweek


Strigilodus tollesonae is classified as a cartilaginous fish that lived in the sea, known as petadon or "toothed lid," which is now extinct. These teeth have a spoon-like or lid-like shape, which were possibly used to prey on snails, Bivalvia, soft-bodied worms, and small fish. During the paleontological research project on prehistoric shark teeth, experts strive to obtain the best results from this study.

"Mirip Ikan Tikus" translates to "Similar to Rat Fish" in English.

The scientists noted that Strigilodus tollesonae has more similarities with ratfish than with modern shark species. Ratfish is a marine fish that lives on the seafloor, searching for food such as shrimp, clams, worms, starfish, and small fish.


Although Kentucky is now a land, during the time of Strigilodus tollesonae, the area was submerged by a shallow tropical sea. During that period, the continents of North America, South America, Africa, and Europe united to form Pangea.

Source: Newsweek

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