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Does Death Come According to Habit When We Live?

Does Death Come According to Habit When We Live?

Every Muslim is encouraged to prepare themselves well to face death.

Dream - Death is a divine secret. Where only Allah SWT knows when each creature will meet its end. The task of a human being, of course, must prepare for the arrival of death as best as possible. Namely, by getting closer to Allah SWT, asking for forgiveness or repentance, and behaving well during life in the world according to the teachings of religion.

Those are the things that will be our provisions when death comes. The hope is that we can be saved from the painful punishment of Allah SWT.

Does Death Come as Usual when We are Alive?

Then is it true that death comes according to the habits when humans are alive? This may not be widely known. Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Ajal Datang Sesuai Kebiasaan ketika Hidup, Benarkah?

"Death Comes According to Habit when Living, Is it True?"

Death or mortality is an inevitable event that will be experienced by every living creature. However, does death come according to the habits one had when alive?

In the perspective of life, death can be related to a person's lifestyle habits. The habits in question can include eating patterns, sleeping patterns, daily activities, and so on. This can happen because habits are responsible for a person's physical, mental, and emotional health. For example, someone who has bad habits such as unhealthy eating, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or lack of exercise, tends to be more susceptible to sudden death or serious illnesses.

On the contrary, individuals who live a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits, tend to have a longer and healthier life. However, it should be noted that death does not always come in accordance with a person's lifestyle habits. There are other factors such as genetic factors, environment, and unforeseen events that can also influence a person's lifespan.

Buya Yahya stated that a person's lifestyle can indeed influence the process of death, but it does not entirely determine when someone will die. According to Islam, it is Allah SWT who determines the lifespan of every living creature, and it is not solely caused by lifestyle factors. Buya Yahya also said that it is not appropriate to blame individuals who die young or at an old age based on their lifestyle.

However, he emphasizes the importance of maintaining good lifestyle habits in the Islamic religion. Such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining cleanliness, and balancing life as a form of responsibility as a servant of Allah SWT.

Essential Provisions to Prepare for Death and the Day of Judgment

In Islam, preparation for death and the Day of Judgment is very important. Every Muslim is encouraged to prepare oneself well to face these crucial moments.

Essential Provisions to Prepare for Death and the Day of Judgment

Preparation consists of two main aspects, namely spiritual preparation and material preparation. Spiritual preparation involves enhancing worship and faith every day. As Muslims, we must always maintain a close relationship with Allah SWT. This includes performing prayers, reading the Quran, reciting dhikr, and praying to Him. By increasing worship and faith, we can improve ourselves and obtain blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT.

In addition, material preparation must also be done so that we can enter the afterlife peacefully and comfortably. This includes fulfilling our obligations towards other creatures of Allah, such as giving alms to the poor, helping those in need, and fulfilling zakat. It is also important to compose a clear and fair will, so that the wealth and assets we leave behind can be distributed according to Islamic law.

In Islam, the understanding of death and the Day of Judgment is very important. Through spiritual and material preparation, we can attain peace of mind and heart when facing it. It is important for every Muslim to understand and remember that death is certain, and the afterlife is an eternal journey. Therefore, preparing oneself for the afterlife is a duty that must be done by every Muslim.

By doing this preparation, we can fulfill the rights of Allah and the rights of fellow human beings and achieve eternal happiness in the hereafter later.

Does Death Come as Usual when We are Alive?

"Death Advice in Islam that Can Be Contemplative Material"

In the Islamic religion, death is considered as a journey towards eternal life in the afterlife. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has given many advice regarding death, which serves as a reflection for the Muslim community.

1. Prepare Yourself Early

Rasulullah saw reminded the Muslim ummah to always be prepared to face death and to make it as an unexpected calling. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of preparing oneself spiritually early on, in order to have sufficient provisions in the afterlife.

2. Always Remember Death

He taught the Muslim community to always remember death as a reminder of the limitations of life in this world. By understanding the existence of death, Muslims will be more cautious in living their lives and more focused on performing beneficial deeds.

3. Leave Sin and Do Good Deeds

Rasulullah saw advised the Muslim ummah to avoid sins and perform righteous deeds. This is important to rectify oneself and seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. The more righteous deeds that are performed, the greater the provision that will be brought in the hereafter.

4. Protect Yourself from Worldly Temptations

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Rasulullah (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of avoiding the temptations of the world, which can hinder Muslims from preparing provisions for the hereafter. He emphasized the need to maintain the quality of faith and to avoid actions that are not blessed by Allah SWT."

5. Grateful in All Aspects of Life

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Prophet Muhammad taught the Muslim ummah to be grateful for all the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah SWT. By being grateful, the Muslim ummah will always reflect upon the end of their lives and engage in better deeds."

"In order to face death, the Prophet Muhammad gave these five pieces of advice so that Muslims can live their lives with piety and prepare themselves for the afterlife. By practicing these pieces of advice, it is hoped that Muslims will be able to attain eternal life in the sight of Allah SWT."

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