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Prayer to Die with a Good Ending, Complete with Characteristics and How to Achieve it

Prayer to Die with a Good Ending, Complete with Characteristics and How to Achieve it

Dream - Who doesn't want to die in a state of husnul khatimah? That is the condition desired by every Muslim when they die. However, we are often haunted by fear because of the many sins committed during our lifetime. Those sins will greatly affect our life in the hereafter. Therefore, Islam commands its followers to always repent to Allah SWT and follow His commands and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Apart from that, don't forget to pray for a good ending in death.

Prayer to Die with a Good Ending, Complete with Characteristics and How to Achieve it

"Insya Allah, through prayers, it is through that which will help you and make your death later as a good ending. Here is the prayer for seeking a good ending to death as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Apa yang Dimaksud Husnul Khatimah?

What is meant by Husnul Khatimah?

The definition of husnul khatimah is the good condition of a person when they pass away in a state of practicing Islam.

Good khatimah also refers to the condition in which a person maintains their belief as a Muslim. In Islam, there are several levels of good khatimah. First, good khatimah in the most general sense, which is dying in a state of faith and obedience to Allah SWT. A person at this level has strong conviction and always fulfills their religious obligations.

Secondly, a higher level of husnul khatimah is to pass away while being in a state of istiqamah, or in other words, being consistent in obeying Allah SWT. They live with strong faith and do not waver in drawing closer to Him. Furthermore, there is also a higher level of husnul khatimah, which is to pass away while being above istiqamah, where they live with a very high and perfect quality of faith.

They always strive to carry out all of Allah SWT's commands wholeheartedly and stay away from all of His prohibitions. In Islam, having a good ending is highly recommended and aspired by every Muslim. Therefore, it is very important for every Muslim to always strive to maintain their faith and obedience to Allah SWT in order to achieve a good ending when they pass away. In the process of achieving it, a person needs to involve themselves in worship, obedience, and emulate good religious values.

"Characteristics of People Who Want to Die with a Good Ending in Islam"

First, a person who experiences husnul khatimah is a person who is obedient in carrying out all of Allah's commands and staying away from His prohibitions.

They consistently perform prayers, regularly pay zakat, and maintain good relationships with fellow Muslims. Second, those who will die in a state of husnul khatimah have a calm heart and are full of piety. They always engage in remembrance and prayer to Allah SWT and constantly remember death and the Day of Resurrection. Third, those who die in husnul khatimah have good and polite manners. They are friendly, honest, and do not hurt the feelings of others.

They also avoid sinful acts such as backbiting and slander. Fourth, they have the awareness to improve their lives in this world before death comes. They are willing to awaken self-awareness and redeem the sins committed in the past. In Islam, dying with a good ending is the prayer and hope of every Muslim. By making these characteristics as a guide, we can strive to improve ourselves, achieve a good ending, and attain eternal happiness in the hereafter.

Cara Meraih Kematian yang Husnul Khatimah

"How to Achieve a Good Ending in Death"

There are several ways to achieve a good ending and prayers from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

First of all, one way to achieve a good ending is by maintaining the five daily prayers. The Prophet Muhammad taught his followers to perform prayers regularly and consistently so that they can live a blessed life and achieve a good ending in the afterlife. Secondly, maintaining goodness and giving charity is also a way to attain a good ending. In a hadith narrated by Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad said that: "Whoever gives in charity the equivalent of a date from good earnings - for Allah does not accept anything but that which is good - then Allah will take it in His right hand and nurture it for its owner, just as one of you nurtures his foal, until it becomes like a mountain."

"A Muslim who has the most perfect faith is the one with the best character. And the best among you are those who are best to their wives." Therefore, doing good to others and giving charity will help someone achieve a good death. Thirdly, showing kindness to parents is also one of the ways to achieve a good death. The Prophet Muhammad taught his followers the importance of being good to parents and serving them."

In the hadith, it is narrated that a man asked the Prophet Muhammad: "Who deserves the best treatment from me?" and the Prophet Muhammad answered, "Your mother." Then the man asked again, "And then who?" and the Prophet answered, "Your mother." The man asked again, "And then who?" and the Prophet Muhammad answered, "Your mother." Finally, the man asked again, "And then who?" and the Prophet Muhammad still answered, "Your mother."

From this hadith, we can understand the importance of being dutiful to our parents in order to obtain a good death. Lastly, the way to achieve a good death (husnul khatimah) is by constantly remembering Allah SWT and praying to Him. Prophet Muhammad taught his followers to always remember Allah and pray to Him.

Prayer for a Good Ending

The following are some prayers for a good death (husnul khatimah) that friends of Dream can recite:

Prayer for a Good Ending

"Prayer for a Good First Ending"

"Allahumma make the best of my life be its end, the best of my deeds be their conclusion, and the best of my days be the day I meet You. (Narrated by Ath-Thabrani)"

Prayer for a Good Ending Second

"Allahumma khatim lana bi husnil khatimah wa la takhtim 'alaina bi su'il khatimah." Translation: "O Allah, seal our lives with a good ending and do not end our lives with a bad ending." (From the book An-Nashaihud Diniyyah by Abdullah bin Alwi Al Haddad)

Prayer for a Good Ending Third

Allahummakhtim lana bil islami, wakhtim lana bil imani, wakhtim lana bil Khairi, wakhtim lana bi al-sa'adah, wakhtim lana bihusnil khaatimah. Translation: "O Allah, seal our lives with Islam, with faith, with goodness, with happiness, and with a good ending." (Book of An-Nashaihud Diniyyah by Abdullah bin Alwi Al Haddad)

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