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Interesting Facts about the Basilisk Lizard, an Animal that Can Swim and Run on Water

Interesting Facts about the Basilisk Lizard, an Animal that Can Swim and Run on Water

Animals that often change their body color have many types, one of which is the Basilisk Lizard. In addition, there are several interesting facts related to this animal that likes to swim and run on water. Let's take a look at the review of these interesting facts about the Basilisk Lizard!

"Scientific Name"

The scientific name for the basilisk lizard is Basiliscus, which is a genus that includes four different species - B. plumifrons, B. basiliscus, B. galeritus, and B. vittatus. They are part of the Corytophanidae family of the Reptilia class. This name originates from the Greek word "basilískos," which literally means "little king."


"Development and Origin"

Because of its tendency to glide on the surface of water over short distances, this ancient species is also the earliest ancestor of the modern basilisk, known as the Jesus Lizard.

Perkembangan dan Asal Usul

In 48 million years ago, the tropical rainforest in Wyoming became home to the earliest Corytophanidae. The tropical rainforests in Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama became the habitat of the green basilisk. They live at elevations between sea level and 2,542 feet and are considered semi-arboreal and semi-aquatic animals.

"Feet that Can Run on Water"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

Long-toed hind legs, fringed skin, and unique scales on their feet allow green basilisks, like other basilisk lizards, to run on water. Their feet touch the ground as they move, creating air pockets that prevent them from sinking.


Part of the reason why the basilisk lizard is so fascinating among the public is because of its extraordinary colors. Depending on the species, you will find them in red, green, blue, and even yellow colors.

The color of lizards helps in identifying which species they might have.


The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The tail contributes about 75% of the total length of the lizard. The average length (including the tail) is about 2.5 feet. Their feet have unique adaptations - such as hinges and hollow bones - to help keep them on the water."

Fakta Menarik Kadal Basilisk, Hewan yang Mampu Berenang dan Berlari di Atas Air

"Perilaku" in English is translated as "Behavior".

As beautiful as this basilisk lizard is, make sure you never approach it in the wild. They are not friendly, and they become very anxious and scared around humans. They are known to run on water to escape predators and chase their prey. These lizards prefer to live a solitary lifestyle.

If you want to find a basilisk lizard, you need to travel to Central and South America. This type of lizard prefers to live in rainforests, staying close to the water they like to pass through. They will look for places near rivers and streams, which are also their main hunting grounds.

These creatures are semi-aquatic and semi-arboreal, living at elevations of up to 775 meters.


When running in water, reach a speed of 15 mph.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: Basilius lizard is a valuable predator, with its main food being insects. Lizards hunt for prey in trees or even in the air. They will chase their prey until they catch it. Running on water is beneficial both for hunting and for escaping from predators. When running on water, they can reach speeds of up to 15 mph.

Apa yang Memangsa Kadal Basilisk?

"What preys on the Basilisk Lizard?"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The common predators of this lizard include large birds, snakes, fish, and other reptiles. The largest predator for the basilisk is the quetzal, which is a type of bird."

"In the whole world, there are four species of this lizard, which include the common basilisk lizard, the red-headed basilisk lizard, the feathered basilisk lizard (also known as the green basilisk lizard), and the striped basilisk lizard. Although the total number of each species is still unknown, IUCN classifies them as 'not extinct' animals."

Source: A-Z Animals

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