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Journalist Gaza: This is the first time I feel free in the land of Palestine that has long been seized.

Journalist Gaza: This is the first time I feel free in the land of Palestine that has long been seized.

Gaza Journalist: This is the First Time I Feel Free in the Long-Occupied Palestinian Land

"Dream - Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 6 in the morning, Omar (not his real name) heard the sound of an attack. He woke up from his bed and walked towards the Gaza-Israel border."

Journalists in Gaza since 2005

Omar has been working as a journalist since 2005. He is accustomed to the sound of Hamas rockets and tragic events in Gaza. In fact, Omar was severely injured while covering the Israeli war in Gaza in 2006. However, there is something different about this incident.


"I and a journalist friend drove towards the border and towards the Erez crossing. The road is open and many people are crossing on foot, by car, or by motorcycle.""
"Kenang Omar, cited from Middle East Eye"


"In the distance, Palestinian fighters run towards the Israeli community. Erez is the main crossing point between the besieged Gaza Strip and Israel. Like other fences that separate them, this fence is heavily militarized and equipped with surveillance equipment. For many lucky Palestinian residents allowed to leave Gaza, Erez is no longer unfamiliar. This is where daily workers cross into Israel for work. However, there are hardly any Israeli soldiers in sight. 'There is no Israeli defense,' Omar was told that no Israelis can be found within a three-kilometer radius of the fence, and it is safe to leave Gaza and walk towards the flat land of Israel in front of them."

"So people kept walking and we walked with them. You can't imagine the number of people who came."

The translation of "Kata Omar" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Omar's Words".

“Jadi orang-orang terus berjalan dan kami berjalan bersama mereka. Anda tidak bisa membayangkan jumlah orang yang datang." loading="lazy">

"“When we were about to cross the road towards Erez, we became the target of an airstrike when Israel attempted to cut off the road to that intersection. A group of civilians and journalists, including Nidal al-Wahidi, the founder of News Press, were in the area that was attacked. Until now, we have not known their fate or the fate of the young man who was with them.”"
Add Omar.



"Kebebasan Palestina" translates to "Palestinian Freedom" in English.

People started to dare to cross the border. Those who have been trapped in Gaza felt a freedom they had never felt before. The sight of the Palestinian land they had left behind for so long made them emotional. However, the happiness was also accompanied by danger. Israeli fighter jets tried to disperse the group heading towards Erez, and an airstrike occurred. "But the people didn't care and kept running towards the border. They didn't care about anything." After Omar crossed into Israel and arrived in the Zionist-occupied Palestinian land, he was overwhelmed with emotions.

"I felt joy and started crying. People began to cry and prostrate themselves as they entered the land where they sought refuge in 1948. We were in awe as we walked freely on our land, outside the Gaza prison. We felt that we were in control of our land."
Omar's words


Gaza Journalist: This is the First Time I Feel Free in the Long-Occupied Palestinian Land

According to Omar, the scenery in front of them is very unreal and confusing. Especially when seeing Israeli soldiers bowing down to Palestinian fighters.

"People at the border whom we have witnessed shooting children and young people, killing us in the past, now we see them in their weakest condition." As Omar walked, he passed many dead Israeli forces. "I took pictures of them." Then he started seeing Israeli prisoners being brought to Gaza on motorcycles and cars. It is estimated that dozens of Israeli citizens are now detained in Gaza. Despite the death and destruction around Omar and other Palestinian residents who dare to leave their protected homes, they cannot hold back their feelings of joy."

Seperti Hari Raya Idul Fitri<br>

"Like Hari Raya Idul Fitri"

Omar describes the atmosphere as being like Eid al-Fitr, the first time in his life he celebrated a festive atmosphere. "Even though some of my friends and cousins are missing, and others have died."

Omar said it felt like a scene in a movie. The Israeli soldiers have surrendered and are afraid. "I have spent my whole life under siege, and I have covered all the events, wars, and parades, and everything related to the Gaza Strip. But this is the first time I have felt freedom." Omar and his family have been displaced twice due to bomb attacks in the last 24 hours. On Sunday, Omar went to photograph the family's house that had been destroyed by an Israeli airstrike. Although the family has become refugees, they still feel that a serious challenge has been posed to Israel and its blockade.

"This is the first time we have resisted and entered our land. Every time, they come to us, kill us, kill our children, and execute entire civilian families." Usually accustomed to covering repeated tragedies in Gaza, now Omar finds himself reporting on events that exceed all expectations. "I took photos of victory and returned to our land. For the first time in my career, I covered an event not as a victim, but as a winner returning to my land."

Gaza Journalist: This is the First Time I Feel Free in the Long-Occupied Palestinian Land

The battle continues to rage around Gaza, with casualties on both sides continuing to rise. However, for Omar, this is the first time he has felt true freedom in the long-lost land of Palestine. It is an unforgettable experience for him.

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