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Heboh Penemuan Diduga 6 Dunia Alien di Galaksi Bima Sakti yang Saling Terhubung, Benarkah?

"Heboh Penemuan Diduga 6 Dunia Alien di Galaksi Bima Sakti yang Saling Terhubung, Benarkah?" translates to "Sensational Discovery Suspected of 6 Alien Worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy that are Interconnected, Is it True?"

Scientists describe this discovery as a hidden beauty within the Milky Way Galaxy.

A planetary system near the Solar System has six planets that orbit its star in a beautiful and perfect arrangement. Scientists consider this discovery as a hidden and astonishing gem within the Milky Way Galaxy.

A planetary system near the Solar System has six planets that orbit its star in a beautiful and perfect arrangement. Scientists consider this discovery as a hidden and astonishing gem within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Source: Science Alert

Formed More than 1 Billion Years Ago

The sixth exoplanets that orbit the star HD 110067 have orbits that are in harmony with each other, creating a rare phenomenon called a chain of resonances. This indicates that this system has existed and been relatively stable since its formation over 1 billion years ago.


"According to Rafael Luque, an astrophysicist from the University of Chicago, 'We estimate that only about one percent of the entire system remains in resonance.'"

"This shows us the original configuration of a planetary system that remains untouched," he added.

"Resonance Circuit"

Orbital resonance is not a rare or unexpected occurrence. Resonance occurs when two objects orbiting a third object gravitationally influence each other, causing their orbital periods to align. Although it does not always occur in the very rare 1:1 ratio, resonance can be represented in the form of a ratio.

As an example, Pluto and Neptune experience resonance with each other, where Pluto completes two orbits around the sun for every three orbits of Neptune with a resonance of 2:3. Some moons of Jupiter also experience a series of resonances, such as the Laplace resonance with a ratio of 1:2:4, where for every one orbit of Ganymede, Europa completes two orbits, and Io completes four orbits. However, having six exoplanets in a resonance series is something very special.

This discovery occurred around an orange dwarf star, about 100 light years from Earth, in the northern constellation of Coma Berenices. NASA's exoplanet telescope, TESS, found indications of two planets orbiting in 2020. One planet appears to have an orbital period of 5,642 days, but the orbital period of the other is still unknown.

Source: Science Alert


When TESS observed the system again two years later, the data still raised doubts. Therefore, Luque and his team used the Cheops exoplanet study telescope from the European Space Agency for further examination. They realized that the previous orbit period was miscalculated and the data showed the existence of more than two exoplanets. In fact, they successfully identified three exoplanets and found that all three formed a resonance chain.

"Cheops provides this resonance configuration that allows us to predict all the other periods," said Luque."

Heboh Penemuan Diduga 6 Dunia Alien di Galaksi Bima Sakti yang Saling Terhubung, Benarkah?

"Without detection from Cheops, it would be impossible."

"Period Orbit of Six Exoplanets"

In total, there are six exoplanets with sizes ranging from 1.94 to 2.85 times the radius of Earth, belonging to the mini-Neptune category. The orbital periods of the exoplanets, from closest to farthest, are 9.11 days, 13.67 days, 20.52 days, 30.79 days, 41.06 days, and 54.77 days. This means that the exoplanet pairs have a resonance of 3:2, 3:2, 3:2, 4:3, and 4:3, where the innermost planet completes six orbits for every one orbit of the outer planet.

"Natural Displacement"

The presence of planetary harmony in the HD 110067 system indicates the absence of planet migration, giant collisions, or disturbances from neighboring stars. On the other hand, in the Solar System, some planets are believed to have undergone migration at certain periods.


"Rare Incident that Attracts Attention"

Damaging resonance is not an easy task. Astronomers have discovered several systems with orbital periods approaching resonance, but true resonance sequences are very rare. Therefore, the HD 110067 system is a rare occurrence and opens up opportunities to understand this fascinating phenomenon more deeply.

"The current weak configuration of the planetary orbit in the HD 110067 system eliminates the possibility of any violent events throughout the billions of years of its history, making it a rare 'fossil' to study the mechanisms of migration and properties of protoplanetary disks in a clean environment.""

The researchers' description in their paper.

"The combination of the brightness of the main star and the presence of an extended atmosphere on most of the planets within it makes HD 110067 the most favorable multi-planet sub-Neptune system for observation in transmission spectroscopy with the James Webb Space Telescope," "HD 110067 provides an opportunity to gain insights into the nature of sub-Neptune planets and where, how, and under what conditions resonance chains form and persist," added the researchers."

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