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Excitement Over Discovery of Prehistoric 'Sea Monster' Skull Fossil on the Coast of England, It's Gigantic in Shape

Excitement Over Discovery of Prehistoric 'Sea Monster' Skull Fossil on the Coast of England, It's Gigantic in Shape

The fossil hunters discovered one of the most complete pliosaurus skulls ever found, which they found on the coast of Dorset, England. Measuring six and a half feet long, the skull of this prehistoric "sea monster" provides clues about the size of some of the largest adult pliosaurus, which could grow up to around 50 feet.

"It is one of the best fossils I have ever worked on. What makes it unique is its completeness,"

The local paleontologist, Steve Etches, said to Jonathan Amos and Alison Francis from BBC News, who first reported the story.

“Itu salah satu fosil terbaik yang pernah saya kerjakan. Yang membuatnya unik adalah kelengkapannya,”

"Almost nothing is as complete as the fossil."

"The lower jaw and upper skull are fused, as in life. Throughout the world, there are hardly any specimens found with such level of detail. And if yes, many parts are missing, whereas this, although slightly distorted, has all its bones."


Located at the bottom of a high cliff

In the spring of 2022, fans of fossil Phil Jacobs witnessed the tip of an ancient marine creature's snout as he strolled along the Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage site spanning 95 miles and recognized as one of the best places on this planet to find fossils. The fragment was located at the base of a high cliff, likely fallen from the rocks above it.

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The discovery is too heavy to be carried by one person, so Jacobs called Etches, and they both made a temporary bed to take the fossil away. Immediately, both of them were "very excited because its jaw was intact," said Etches to Issy Ronald from CNN. However, the rest of the skull was not visible. So, the fossil hunters used several drones to inspect and map the high cliff faces."

Drone shows location approximately 36 feet above ground as a possible site containing remains of a skull.

Heboh Penemuan Fosil Tengkorak 'Monster Laut' Prasejarah di Tepi Pantai Inggris, Bentuknya Raksasa

Guided by the insight, the team began a complex excavation involving cliff descent exploration, as reported by BBC News.

"Finish 3 Weeks"

They spent three weeks diligently carving the fossil from the side of the cliff while suspended in the air. The ongoing discovery, excavation, and scientific investigation by the team will be featured in a BBC documentary titled "Attenborough and the Jurassic Sea Monster" with David Attenborough, which will be aired on PBS in February.


is a giant marine reptile that lived during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, approximately 65.5 million to 200 million years ago. These short-necked creatures are not dinosaurs, but belong to the order Plesiosauria, along with their long-necked siblings. With a large head, four turtle-like flippers, and a row of 130 large sharp teeth, is a fierce predator with the ability to kill prey in a single bite.

Researchers believe that one species, Pliosaurus kevani, may have a bite force of nearly 50,000 newtons, enough to bite through a car, according to a video from the Steve Etches Museum, Etches Collection, located in Kimmeridge, England.

Heboh Penemuan Fosil Tengkorak 'Monster Laut' Prasejarah di Tepi Pantai Inggris, Bentuknya Raksasa

CT scan reveals that the Dorset pliosaurus has sensory holes located in its snout that may help the animal hunt by detecting pressure changes, as written by David Stock from New Scientist. A parietal eye, or "third eye," on top of the creature's head may assist in detecting light when swimming in murky waters.

"In addition, the fossil has a large sagittal crest, a protrusion of bone that extends upwards and runs along the middle of the skull, as described in the publication. This is the attachment site for the muscles that control the strong lower jaw. Carnivores and omnivores tend to have more prominent crests, while herbivores may not have clear protrusions."

Source: Smithsonian Magazine


"Etches will display the skull in his museum next year, according to BBC reports. And he plans to investigate whether other bones of the giant reptile are hidden in the cliffs of Dorset. 'I bet my life that the rest of the animal's body is still there,' he told BBC News."

"And it should be taken, because it is in an environment that erodes very quickly. Part of this cliff line retreats several feet every year. And it won't be long before the remaining pliosaurus falls and disappears. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Source: Smithsonian Magazine

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