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"The Emergence Becomes a Calamity for Humanity, Here are the Characteristics, Followers, and Place of Appearance of the Dajjal"

"Rasulullah saw has warned humanity about the characteristics of the Dajjal."

"Dream - The emergence of Dajjal is explained to occur when the Day of Judgment arrives as one of its signs. The arrival of Dajjal is indeed a great calamity for humanity in the world. Even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has warned humanity about the characteristics of Dajjal. It is explained that Dajjal is a young man, with red skin, one eye blind, has no children, and between his two eyes is the word 'kafir'."

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Then, what are the characteristics of the Dajjal that humans should be wary of? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream from various sources."

His Emergence Becomes a Calamity for Humanity, Here Are the Characteristics, Followers, and Place of Dajjal's Emergence
The translation of the text

The translation of the text "Sifat Dajjal dalam Hadis" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Characteristics of Dajjal in Hadith."

One of the things that must be warned about the emergence of Dajjal is his characteristics. This has been explained in the Prophet's hadith.

Rasulullah saw said: “When I was sleeping, I dreamed of performing tawaf around the Ka'bah, and I saw someone with straight hair, whose head was dripping or flowing with water. So I asked, ‘Who is this?’ They said, ‘This is Isa bin Maryam.’ Then I turned, and I saw someone who was large in stature, reddish in color, with curly hair, and his right eye was blind, as if his eye was a bulging grape.

They explained, ‘Currently, this is the Dajjal. The person who resembles him the most is Ibn Qaththan, a man from the Banu Khuza’ah.’” Then from Ibn Abbas, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The (Dajjal) is blind in one eye, white and shiny, as if his head is (the head) of a snake, and he is the person who most resembles Abdul ‘Uzza bin Qathan. If he is wretched and misguided, then know that your Lord is not blind in one eye.”

The translation of "Siapa Saja Pengikut Dajjal?" to English is "Who Are the Followers of the Antichrist?"

The emergence of the Dajjal in the world is to deceive humanity. Therefore, the Dajjal will later have followers who, of course, do not obey Allah SWT.

Siapa Saja Pengikut Dajjal?

The characteristics of the followers of the Dajjal are as follows:

"Always pursuing worldly life over the hereafter. Allowing the practice of usury with various justifications. Religion is considered the opiate of the masses. Opposing the laws of Sharia courts, such as qisas and stoning. Inheritance is divided equally between men and women. Legalizing gambling."

"Through these characteristics, there are six groups that will later become followers of the Dajjal, namely as follows: Jews, Women, Demons and Jinn, Perpetrators of Immoral Acts, Deviant Sexual Practitioners, Khawarij Group."

"Where does Dajjal come from?"

The appearance of Dajjal is a certainty. However, from where will Dajjal emerge?

This has been explained in a hadith from An-Nawwas bin Sam'an ra. The Prophet saw said: "Indeed, he will emerge from the gaps between Syria and Iraq. Causing corruption on the right and on the left." (Narrated by Muslim) However, there are also some places that Dajjal will not be able to enter. This is also explained in a hadith from Anas ra. The Prophet saw said: "There is no city that Dajjal will tread upon except for Makkah and Madinah." (Muttafaqun 'alaih)

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