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How Cold is Absolute Zero Temperature? Can It Reach the Lowest Point?

The coldest place on Earth is Antarctica, where a temperature as low as -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit has been recorded. However, this is still not even half as cold as what can occur in the universe. How cold is absolute zero? Is there anything that can reach absolute zero?

What is Absolute Zero?

Absolute zero is the coldest temperature that exists. When the temperature reaches absolute zero, it means that a substance no longer has any heat energy at all. At absolute zero, everything inside the atoms of an element has stopped moving, which means no heat is generated.


The colder an object is, the less molecular movement there is in the object. For example, the molecules in ice cream do not move as much as the molecules in coffee, although both have moving molecules. Absolute zero is the complete absence of molecular movement.

How Cold is Absolute Zero? Can It Reach the Lowest Point?

"How Cold is Absolute Zero?"

Zero absolute is achieved at a temperature of -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. When the material approaches absolute zero, molecular motion slows down. At absolute zero, thermodynamic molecular motion stops completely. Entropy determines the temperature of the material. The more molecules move, the further they spread, and the wider the radius of their temperature dispersion. When atoms collide with each other due to entropy chaos, heat is generated.

In other words, temperature is directly related to the amount of molecular movement in a substance. This is related to the amount of kinetic energy present in the moving parts of atoms and the bonds that form something in three-dimensional reality. The faster the movement within and between molecules, the warmer something is, and the warmer something is, the further heat spreads due to entropy. This is why a bonfire feels hot from a distance while an ice block does not emit cold in the same way.

Can Something Reach Absolute Zero?

Technically, nothing can reach absolute zero, although there are extremely rare exceptions that occur in laboratory settings. Absolute zero cannot be achieved because the amount of work required to cool something that far is infinite. It is impossible to do enough work to stop all movement within an atom.

"If Achieved"

Even if absolute zero can be achieved, quantum mechanics still determines that some movements will occur. This raises another significant obstacle that must be overcome when attempting to reach true absolute zero.


This means that even if absolute zero is achieved, quantum movement never stops.

Why not fully understood by physicists. However, it is understood that very cold particles leave the realm of classical physics and act entirely in the realm of quantum mechanics.

Ini berarti bahwa bahkan jika nol mutlak tercapai, pergerakan kuantum tidak pernah berhenti.

"How Does Matter Behave Near Absolute Zero?"

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The material behaves differently than usual when its temperature approaches absolute zero. It begins to challenge the laws of classical mechanics."

Some gases in liquid form, such as helium, undergo a transformation into superfluid when near absolute zero. Superfluids are not viscous and are not subject to friction, allowing them to escape from any container by moving upwards. They can also seep through anything that has molecular gaps, including most materials that would form a container.

Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is another strange state of matter near absolute zero. When atoms are sufficiently cold, they function as a unified whole rather than individual atoms colliding with each other. They are no longer a sum of parts, but function as a single entity due to the quantum mechanical effects at such low temperatures.

"Amazing Thing"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "BEC is capable of doing amazing things. For example, when light shines through BEC, the light can be trapped inside it. They are able to capture light, which usually moves at a speed of about 186 thousand miles per hour, and make it stop."


What is the Kelvin Scale?

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: Kelvin scale is a method of measuring temperature in a system where zero represents absolute zero. It is useful for scientists as it allows them to conceptualize temperature purely as the amount of thermal energy present in a system.

How Cold is Absolute Zero? Can It Reach the Lowest Point?

Because absolute zero represents the complete absence of thermal dynamics, its position as 0 on the Kelvin Scale allows all other atomic interactions to be measured accordingly based on the molecular interactions within the substance.

"How Cold is Outer Space?"

Most of outer space has a temperature of around -454.76 degrees Fahrenheit, which is just slightly above absolute zero. However, this temperature can increase a few degrees depending on which part of the open space is being studied. The reason is that space is not at absolute zero because there is still residual heat from the Big Bang that remains.

The translation of the given text "Bagian dalam lubang hitam lebih dingin daripada ruang terbuka." to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The inside of a black hole is colder than open space."

Although this part of the black hole does not reach absolute zero, its temperature is only one millionth higher than absolute zero. That is one of the reasons why the center of the black hole is not visible.

How Cold is Absolute Zero? Can It Reach the Lowest Point?

On the contrary, the bright material that can be seen by scientists when studying black holes moves so fast that its temperature is much hotter than 100 million degrees Fahrenheit.

"Although the temperature is cold inside a black hole, there is a place that is colder in outer space."

How Cold is Absolute Zero? Can It Reach the Lowest Point?

The coldest known place in outer space is the Boomerang Nebula.

"Suhu Nebula" translates to "Nebula Temperature" in English.

A nebula is a cloud of matter, and in this case, it is gas. This particular nebula acts like a super refrigerator and is located about 5 thousand light-years away from Earth. It is so cold that its temperature is only one Kelvin degree or -457.87 degrees Fahrenheit.

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