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Cara Mengirim Doa untuk Orang yang Sudah Meninggal setelah Sholat, Lengkap dengan Bacaannya dalam Bahasa Arab, Latin, dan Arti

How to Send Prayers for a Deceased Person after Praying, Complete with Readings in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning.

Dream - How to send prayers for the deceased after prayer is important to be known by every Muslim. Especially if you have family members, relatives, or friends who have passed away. Therefore, prayers must always be sent to them. It is important for Dream's friends to know that the prayers recited for the deceased, the rewards and benefits can reach them. As explained in the following hadith:

"A Muslim does not pray for his brother when the person being prayed for is not present, except that the angels will say, 'May you be granted the same.'" (HR. Muslim)"

How to Send Prayers for a Deceased Person after Prayer, Complete with Readings in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning

By knowing how to send prayers for those who have passed away after prayer, it is as if we have given them a special gift. Well, here is how to send prayers for those who have passed away after prayer as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"How to Send Prayers for Someone Who Has Passed Away"

As long as we are still alive, we should not forget our ancestors, family, relatives, and friends who have passed away. Here is how to send prayers for them:

1. Ablution

Let Dream friends start by performing ablution first to cleanse impurities. Perform ablution as you would when you are about to perform prayer.


2. Bertawasul 2. Seeking Intercession

The next step is to seek intercession from Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The way to do it is by reciting blessings and prayers for safety. Then, continue by reciting Surah Al-Fatihah. In seeking intercession, make sure that friend Dream is wearing decent clothing.


3. Reading Al-Fatihah

After reading tawasul and tahlil, then read Surah Al-Fatihah. Even though this reading is already memorized, do it well and correctly, and do not rush.


4. Reading Surah Yasin

"After reading Al-Fatihah, continue by reading Surah Yasin. This letter can be read by Dream friends more than once. In reading Surah Yasin, include good intentions and hope for blessings and forgiveness for the deceased."


"Prayer for the Deceased"

The following are some prayer readings that friends of Dream can practice for those who have passed away:

"First Prayer"

Innalillahi wa inna ilahi raji'un, wa inna ila rabbina lamunqalibun, allahummaktubhu indaka fil muhsinin, waj'al kitabahu fi'illiyyin, wakhlufhu fi ahlihi fil ghabirin, wa la tahrimnaa ajrahu wala taftinna ba'dahu. Translation: "Verily we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. O Allah, write his name among the righteous, and make his book in the highest place, and leave his family in the best of conditions, and do not deprive us of his reward and do not test us after him."

Meaning: 'Truly, you belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. And truly, to our Lord we shall return. O Allah, write it down in Your presence among the group of good people. Make its record in illiyyin. Replace it in his family with those who have left. Do not make its reward forbidden for us and do not put us to trial after it.'

How to Send Prayers for a Deceased Person after Prayer, Complete with Readings in Arabic, Latin, and Meaning

"Second Prayer"

Assalaamu 'alaikum yaa ahlal qubuur yaghfirullaahu lanaa wa lakum antum salafnaa wa nahnu bil atsar Translation: "Peace be upon you, O people of the graves. May Allah forgive us and you, for you are our predecessors and we will follow you." (Narrated by Tirmidhi, from Ibn Abbas)

"Prayer Three"

للَّهْلَهَا اغَرَمَهَا وارَمَهَا وعَافَ عَنَهَ عنمَهَ ععَهُ عنَنَهُ عنَهُ عننهُ عننهها كَمَدَوا ۢرَهلها ووصَُّدَوهَ واسَلهَ بَالَرَوَ، وونًَثَوهَ مَدَوهَوها وواحَاَوهَ، وواسَثوهَ مَدَخولهَ، ونَاهَوهَ مَنَصَهَ مَدَخولهَ، ووعَههها ۢسَالَوهَ، ووادَخَوهَ، ووزَرَيوهَ، ووادَخَوهَ، ووادَخَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَدَجوَهَ، ووادَخَوهَ، ووادَخَوهَ، ووادَخَوهَ، ووادَخَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَدَجوَهَ، وواسَحَجوَهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وواسَسهَوهَ، وو&#x

Translation: "Meaning: 'O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, free him, and release him. And, honor his dwelling place, expand it. And, honor his dwelling place, expand his entrance, cleanse him with clear and cool water, and purify him from all sins like a clean white garment free from dirt."

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