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Pasangan Suami-Istri Wajib Tahu, Inilah 5 Doa untuk Mencari Nafkah Halal dan Berkah yang Diajarkan Rasulullah

"Couples Must Know, Here are 5 Prayers for Seeking Halal and Blessed Livelihood Taught by the Prophet Muhammad"

Dream - Searching for a livelihood is important to fulfill the daily needs of every family member. Every family, of course, desires for their sustenance to flow smoothly. So that they do not experience difficulties, especially in terms of economy. Besides working, friends of Dream should not forget to pray to Allah SWT by reciting prayers to seek a livelihood. These prayers can be practiced by both husbands and wives.

Even, that is the prayer practiced by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during his lifetime and recommended to his people until now.

Husband and Wife Must Know, Here Are 5 Prayers to Seek Halal and Blessed Livelihood Taught by the Prophet
Husband and Wife Must Know, Here Are 5 Prayers to Seek Halal and Blessed Livelihood Taught by the Prophet

Well, here is a prayer reading to seek sustenance as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"The Virtue of Seeking Livelihood in Islam"

The importance of seeking livelihood in Islam is very crucial, because Allah SWT provides rules and guidance on how to seek a good and halal livelihood.

"Seeking a livelihood with honesty and full responsibility can be a barrier from the torment of hell. In Islam, seeking a livelihood is the duty and responsibility of every individual, especially for the head of the family to provide for the family's needs. One of the verses of the Quran related to the virtue of seeking a livelihood is Surah At-Talaq verse 7 which states: "

"Let those who are capable of providing sustenance do so according to their ability. And those whose sustenance is restricted should give from the wealth that Allah has bestowed upon them." Meanwhile, the hadith that emphasizes the importance of seeking sustenance is a hadith from HR. Bukhari which states, "There is no one who eats better sustenance than the result of their own efforts, and Prophet David once ate sustenance that was produced by his own hands."

"Thus, seeking a halal and responsible livelihood is an important part of worship in Islam, which can serve as a barrier against the torment of hell."

"Duty of Maintenance from Husband to Wife in the Al-Quran"

The obligation of maintenance from the husband to the children and wife is mentioned in verse 7 of Surah At-Thalaq.

The verse states that the husband is responsible for providing sustenance to his wife and children according to his ability. This shows that the husband has an obligation to provide financial needs for his family. The views of scholars on sustenance as an individual obligation can also be found in Al-Baqarah verse 233, which provides guidance on the husband's responsibility towards his wife and children.

The verse emphasizes that a husband must provide sustenance in a good manner and act with kindness towards his family. From both verses, it can be concluded that the obligation of sustenance from a husband to his wife and children is a responsibility that must be fulfilled with full accountability, kindness, and patience. This obligation affirms the importance of a husband in maintaining the financial needs of the family and providing protection and welfare for his wife and children.

With this, Islam provides clear guidance on the husband's responsibility in providing for his family.

Husband and Wife Must Know, Here Are 5 Prayers to Seek Halal and Blessed Livelihood Taught by the Prophet

"Prayer for Seeking Livelihood"

There are several prayers for seeking sustenance taught by the Prophet Muhammad. Here are the prayers that friends of Dream can practice:

"Prayer before Seeking Livelihood"

Bismillahi 'ala nafsi wa mali wa dini. Allahumma radhdhini bi qadhaika, wa barik li fima quddira li hatta la uhibba ta'jila ma akhkharta, wa la ta'khira ma'ajjalta. Artinya: "In the name of Allah, I entrust my soul, wealth, and religion. O Allah, make me content with Your decrees, and bless me in what You have ordained for me, so that I do not desire to hasten what You have delayed, and I do not delay what You have hastened."

"Prayer for a Husband Seeking for Livelihood"

Allaahummarzuqnii rizqan halaalan thayyibaa, wasta'milnii thayyibaa. Allaahummaj'al ausa'a rizqika 'alayya, 'inda kibari sinnii wanqithaa'i 'umrii. Allaahummakfinii bihalaalika 'an haraamika. Wa aghninii bifadhlika 'amman siwaaka. Allaahumma in nii as-aluka rizqan waasi'an naafi'an. Allaahumma innii as-alukan na'iimaan muqiiman, alladzii laa yahuulu, wa laa yazuulu. Translation: O Allah, provide me with lawful and good sustenance, and make me benefit from it. O Allah, make Your abundant provision upon me, especially in my old age and the decline of my life. O Allah, suffice me with Your lawful provision and protect me from the forbidden. Enrich me with Your grace instead of anyone else. O Allah, I ask You for abundant and beneficial sustenance. O Allah, I ask You for a grateful and obedient heart that does not deviate or perish.

Husband and Wife Must Know, Here Are 5 Prayers to Seek Halal and Blessed Livelihood Taught by the Prophet

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Meaning: "O Allah, grant me sustenance that is lawful and good, and clothe me with all goodness. O my Lord, make my sustenance abundant in times of strength and weakness. O Allah, suffice me with lawful sustenance from You instead of the unlawful. Enrich me from others through Your grace. O Allah, I ask You for abundant and beneficial sustenance. O Allah, I ask You for eternal blessings that never cease and never disappear.""

Prayer for Husband for Abundant Blessings

Allahumma innii as-aluka ‘ilman naafi’a, wa rizqon thoyyibaa, wa ‘amalan mutaqobbalaa. Artinya: "O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge, lawful sustenance, and accepted deeds." (HR. Ibnu Majah and Ahmad)

Husband and Wife Must Know, Here Are 5 Prayers to Seek Halal and Blessed Livelihood Taught by the Prophet

Prayer for Husband and Child to be Blessed

"Allahumma ak-tsir maalii wa waladii, wa baarik lii fiimaa a'thoitanii wa athil hayaatii 'ala tho'atik wa ahsin 'amalii wagh-fir lii. Artinya: 'O Allah, increase my wealth and my children, and bless me in the provisions You have given me. Prolong my life in obedience to You, improve my deeds, and forgive my sins.'"

Prayer to be Kept Away from Illicit Earnings

Allahumma Yaa Ghoniyyu Yaa hamiid Yaa Mubdi'u Yaa Mu'iid Yaa Rohimu Yaa Waduud Yaa Fa'alu lima yuriid agnini bihalaalika, anharoomika wa bifadlika'amman siwaak. Artinya: "O Allah, my Lord who is rich and praiseworthy, the Lord who determines and restores, the Most Merciful and the Most Loving. Grant me wealth that is permissible, not forbidden by You, grant me abundance over others with the blessings of Your grace."

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