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The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Billboard Ads for KPop Fans Supporting Presidential Candidate 01 Suddenly Taken Down, Anies Mentions Pressure"

Iklan Videotron Penggemar KPop Pendukung Capres 01 Mendadak Diturunkan, Anies Singgung Soal Tekanan

"Dream - Although it went viral and attracted public attention, the LED support videotron for the number 1 presidential candidate Anies Baswedan, which was installed in Bekasi and Jakarta, was finally taken down."

Installation of the idol-style KPop videotron for Anies was carried out by KPop fans who were contracted for a week. However, before even a day passed, the videotron was taken down.

Iklan Videotron Penggemar KPop Pendukung Capres 01 Mendadak Diturunkan, Anies Singgung Soal Tekanan

"Unfortunately, we have to inform you that the LED Ads scheduled to be displayed for a week (15-21 January 2024) in Bekasi and Jakarta cannot continue to be displayed at those locations due to circumstances beyond our control."
said the account @olpprpject.

"" (no translation needed)

"Currently, we are working on finding the best solution with the relevant parties. Humanies do not need to worry and we kindly ask for your support to join us in maximizing the project and providing regular updates."
sambungnya. (No translation available as it is a single word without context)


Iklan Videotron Penggemar KPop Pendukung Capres 01 Mendadak Diturunkan, Anies Singgung Soal Tekanan

In response to the matter, Anies initially appreciates the independently made videotron advertisement.

"Highest appreciation to everyone who has implemented and supported this extraordinary initiative, even though it did not turn out as we had hoped.""
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "words Anies through his X account."


Iklan Videotron Penggemar KPop Pendukung Capres 01 Mendadak Diturunkan, Anies Singgung Soal Tekanan

He mentioned that the pressure received by his party is not as great as the pressure of life felt by the community. He asked his supporters to fight together in facing challenges.

"Stay motivated, because no matter how much pressure we receive, it is nothing compared to the pressures of everyday life that the majority of people experience. So whatever challenges we encounter in the struggle for the Indonesian community, let's face them together. Thank you all, take care of your health! Greetings from Sorong, Papua," said Anies.

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Classic Problem of Duplicate Voter Registration during Elections, Whose Responsibility?

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