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"The Jewish People Have a Significant Role in the Development of Usury in Various Parts of the World, Leading to the Spread of Slander"

Kaum Yahudi Punya Andil Besar dalam Perkembangan Riba di Berbagai Belahan Dunia hingga Jadi Penyebar Fitnah

Dream - When hearing the term "Jewish", many people consider that the community has bad traits. Coupled with the conflict between Palestine and Israel, where the majority of Israelis are Jewish, they oppress the Palestinian people.

Kaum Yahudi Punya Andil Besar dalam Perkembangan Riba di Berbagai Belahan Dunia hingga Jadi Penyebar Fitnah

Quoted from, Prof. Quraish Shihab said that Jews have an egocentric nature, so they receive criticism. In addition, Jews are also very materialistic, meaning that everything must be seen physically. That is why the Quran shows condemnation towards the Jewish people. However, it is said by Prof. Quraish Shihab that there are good Jews and there are also bad ones. Therefore, Muslims should be cautious with them. In fact, the Quran tells many stories about the journey of the descendants of Prophet Isaac. The hope is that the Muslim community of Prophet Muhammad can take it as a valuable lesson.

One of them is about usury that was mastered by the Jews before the birth of Prophet Muhammad. In the Thaif region, they fostered the practice of usury. To find out a more complete explanation, here is as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Kaum Yahudi Punya Andil Besar dalam Perkembangan Riba di Berbagai Belahan Dunia hingga Jadi Penyebar Fitnah

"The Widespread of Usury System in Various Parts of the World"

Prof. Quraish Shihab explained that the Quraysh tribe in Mecca was well-known for their trade. This fact is even mentioned in the Quran. Furthermore, in their trading activities, they were also familiar with the practice of usury.

This is evidenced by several companions of the Prophet saw who were familiar with the practice. Such as 'Abbas bin' Abdul Muthalib (uncle of the Prophet saw), Khalid bin Walid, and so on. They practiced it until a prohibition was revealed regarding the practice. In addition, it is also evidenced by the polytheists who were amazed by the practice of usury which was considered the same as buying and selling. Usury was considered as part of the excess obtained from borrowed capital. This made it resemble the profit from sales. Not only in Arabia, the practice of usury developed by the Jews also spread to various parts of the world. In addition, they also mastered and monopolized the trade of strategic products.

"Monopolizing Trade and Becoming a Troublesome Loan Shark"

The existence of Jews in Palestine feels threatened by the development of the Christian religion. These Jews are trying to hinder Christians, including in Europe.

Memonopoli Pedagangan dan Jadi Rentenir yang Meresahkan

"Unfortunately, the Jews rejected their last prophet and accused him of practicing magic and attempting to kill Prophet Jesus. This is because it is believed that the Christian community has destroyed the principles of divinity and the Talmudic law regarding the greatness of the chosen people of God, the Jews. Jewish individuals who monopolize trade have gained control over several commodities such as wheat, wool, gold, and silver. As a result, they are able to dominate and control the global economy. They become moneylenders, lending money to Christians with high interest rates."

That attitude is what makes Jews hated wherever they are. The peak of it was the actions of the Nazis that took place in the early 20th century AD.

Kaum Yahudi Punya Andil Besar dalam Perkembangan Riba di Berbagai Belahan Dunia hingga Jadi Penyebar Fitnah
Penyebar Fitnah


The Jewish people's frustration towards the Christian community is increasing. Especially when witnessing the rapid development of Christianity in European countries by spreading teachings of love, equality, compassion, and brotherhood.

The feeling of unhappiness triggers the Jews to carry out cunning actions to influence the rulers of Europe. One of them is Markus Urulius, the Roman emperor who replaced his uncle (Antonius Mulia). A Jewish Rabbi delivered a frightening news to Markus Urulius that Christians were suffering from a highly dangerous contagious disease. Upon hearing the news, Markus Urulius ordered the killing of all Roman inhabitants who practiced Christianity. The slander spread by the Jews became a severe test for the Christian community. This condition lasted until the 4th century AD.

Until finally experiencing a change with the arrival of Christian Emperor Constantine. However, the Jews have not stopped their actions, namely controlling the country's economy wherever they are. In fact, they also caused a crisis in the country so that the country and its people depend on them. The money, gold, and silver they collect are then monopolized. They also lend money to Christians with very high interest rates. To the point where they are called popular loan sharks.

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