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Khofifah Login ke TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Ganjar: Kami Bukan Capres yang Gampang Khawatir

Khofifah Login to TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Ganjar: We are not presidential candidates who are easily worried.

"Dream - Ganjar Pranowo is not worried about the joining of East Java Governor, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, to the National Campaign Team (TKN) of Prabowo-Gibran. He is confident that his team in East Java remains solid in garnering votes in the 2024 Presidential Election."

Khofifah Login to TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Ganjar: We're Not Presidential Candidates Who Easily Worry

"Kalau tim kita yang di Jatim sih bergerak terus, solid, apalagi kemarin dalam ultah partai Bu Mega sudah menyampaikan sikapnya terhadap situasi politik nasional dan apa yang mesti dikerjakan oleh kader, sehingga hari ini semuanya lagi turun," tutur Ganjar di Tegal, Jawa Tengah, dikutip dari, Kamis 11 Januari 2024. Calon presiden nomor urut 3 itu menyatakan seluruh jajaran fraksi dan DPRD partai pendukung turun ke masyarakat di berbagai wilayah Indonesia, khususnya Jawa Timur." "If our team in East Java keeps moving forward, solid, especially yesterday during the party's anniversary, Bu Mega has already conveyed her stance on the national political situation and what should be done by the cadres, so today everyone is going down," said Ganjar in Tegal, Central Java, quoted from, Thursday, January 11, 2024. Presidential candidate number 3 stated that all ranks of the faction and the DPRD of supporting parties are going down to the community in various regions of Indonesia, especially East Java."

"In the branches, the branches come down like that. If Mrs. Khofifah continues and then joins, I think that is a political right, the political right of every person that I highly respect," said Ganjar. The presidential candidate who is paired with Mahfud MD is not worried that his voice in East Java will be eroded by Khofifah's joining the Prabowo-Gibran TKN."

Khofifah Login to TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Ganjar: We're Not Presidential Candidates Who Easily Worry

"“We are not presidential candidates who are easily worried, we are confident, of course we can introspect, build strength, and meet with the people. So, don't worry," Ganjar asserted."

"Khofifah has indeed stated her readiness to join the Prabowo-Gibran TKN. She has even conveyed her willingness to the Secretary of the Prabowo-Gibran TKN, Nusron Wahid. \u201cI said, please include me in the team (TKN). Please submit the revisions to the central KPU,\u201d said Khofifah, as quoted from"

Khofifah made that statement upon arriving at Juanda International Airport, after returning from the Holy Land on Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Khofifah allows the TKN to submit a revision of the campaign team management to the central KPU.

According to Khofifah, her willingness to declare support and join the successful team of one of the presidential and vice-presidential candidate pairs is in accordance with her promise, which is after returning from umrah. "As promised, I am ready to join the National Campaign Team after umrah. Please include me as a jurkamnas," she said.

Khofifah Login to TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Ganjar: We're Not Presidential Candidates Who Easily Worry

Former Minister of Social Affairs has received information from Nusron Wahid that the National Campaign Team (TKN) is currently submitting a revision to the General Election Commission (KPU). Khofifah mentioned that her name will be announced by TKN on Thursday, January 11, 2024.

"Mas Nusron will convey it to the central KPU and maybe it will be announced by TKN tomorrow," "I am ready to be a Jurkamnas, I am ready to join TKN and we will comply with the regulations. If Pak Wagub is on leave (during the campaign), then I will follow the existing SOP," said Khofifah."

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