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Hukum bagi Laki-Laki yang Tiga Kali Meninggalkan Sholat Jumat

"Law for Men who Miss Friday Prayers Three Times"

Every Muslim man is obligated to perform Friday prayer if there is no excuse or specific hindrance.

- Friday Prayer is one of the obligatory acts of worship for Muslim men. Therefore, when the time for Friday Prayer arrives, Muslim men must leave their activities and quickly go to the mosque to perform congregational Friday Prayer. Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Jumu'ah verse 9: "O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu'ah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew."

Then, what is the ruling if one misses Friday prayers? And can Friday prayers be skipped under certain conditions? Here is the explanation as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Law for Men who Miss Friday Prayer Three Times

"Law of Abandoning Friday Prayer"

Friday prayer is obligatory for Muslim men. Therefore, when leaving it without any specific reason, it can bring about sin.

As explained in a hadith of the Prophet saw: "Whoever leaves the Friday prayer three times without excuse, he will be written as a hypocrite disbeliever." (HR. At-Thabarani) Furthermore, it is also explained in another hadith: "Whoever leaves the Friday prayer three times out of neglect, surely Allah will close his heart." (HR. At-Turmudzi, At-Thabarani, Ad-Daruquthni)

The above hadith was explained by Imam Ar-Ramli regarding a Muslim who leaves Friday prayer three times as stated in the book Nihayatul Muhtaj: "Whoever leaves Friday prayer three times without a valid excuse is considered to underestimate its importance. Acknowledging the obligation of Friday prayer does not exempt him from the consequences of his actions. Leaving Friday prayer is a sinful act. It is apparent that there is no difference between leaving it consecutively or not."

However, it could be that is not what is meant. What is meant is 'consecutively' (surely Allah will close his heart) Allah seals his heart with something like a ring that prevents him from advice and truth." (Ar-Ramli, Nihayatul Muhtaj, volume VI, page 450)

"Excuses that Allow for Not Performing Friday Prayer"

The following are some excuses or obstacles that allow one not to perform Friday prayers, as follows:

Uzur yang Membolehkan Tidak Sholat Jumat

1. On the Journey

The first excuse is being on a journey when the time for Friday prayer arrives. Most scholars say that in such a condition, it is not obligatory to perform the Friday prayer. This condition was also experienced by the Prophet Muhammad while on a journey, and he did not perform the Friday prayer. At that time, it was the Farewell Hajj in Arafah, coinciding with Friday. He then performed combined early afternoon (Dhuhur) and late afternoon (Ashar) prayers.

2. People who Suffer from Fear

The second excuse is for someone who suffers from fear. For example, when hiding from evil people or oppressive rulers during the time of Friday prayer. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever hears the call to prayer and does not come, there is no prayer for him, except for those who have a valid excuse." They asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what is a valid excuse?" He said, "Fear or illness." (Narrated by Abu Dawud with a sound chain of narrators)

3. People who are Affected by Disability and Given Leeway for Them

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Next is a person who is affected by an excuse and is given leniency. For example, being hindered by rain, flood, hail, and the like. Even so, they still have an obligation to perform the Dhuhr prayer. However, a Muslim who still performs the Friday prayer, then it is valid for them and their obligation to perform the Dhuhr prayer is waived. In fact, during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslim women also participated in performing the Friday prayer with him."

"Mandatory Conditions for Friday Prayer"

The following are several mandatory requirements of Friday prayer that must be known by Muslims:

Religion is Islam
Already an adult or mature
Not insane or experiencing mental disorders
Male (females are not obligated to perform Friday prayers)
Has a permanent or settled residence

"Conditions for Valid Friday Prayer"

The following are the valid conditions for Friday prayer that must be fulfilled by Muslim men:

Conducted when the Dhuhr time has started. Friday prayer is performed in a place (village or city) that is included within the scope of a settlement. It is obligatory to perform it in congregation with a minimum of 40 congregants. It starts with a sermon (including reciting the pillars of the sermon) before performing the Friday prayer. The Friday prayer can begin when the preacher has recited the two pillars of the sermon.

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